24 AUGUST 1833, Page 8

Eby JfietrapaIiti.

A report has been circulated, that Mr. Alderman Wood had ac- cepted the office of Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, and had vacated his seat in Parliament and the Aldermanic gown ; but the Times of this morning is authorized to contradict the report in the most unqualified terms.

Two projects have been set on foot for the establishment of Joint Stock Banking Companies in the Metropolis ; the capital of each to be not less than ten millions.

The office of Chaplain of St. Saviour's, Southwark, having become vacant by the death of the Reverend Dr. Harrison, a very active can- vass for the suffrages and support of the parishioners is prosecuted by the friends of the several candidates in the field, whose nomination took place at a vestry meeting of the rate-payers held on Thursday last ; the rate-payers having the privilege of electing their own clergy. The candidates are—Reverend William Curling, M.A. • Reverend John Wilcock, M. A.; Reverend H. S. Plumptre, M. A.; Reverend Samuel Benson (the Curate), M.A. ; Reverend Robert South, M.A.; Reverend Joseph White Niblock, D.D. ; and the Reverend J. H. Price, LL.D. The emolument of the office is a fixed salary of 3001. per annum, exclusive of the fees arising from weddings, churchiugs, christenings, and burials. Messrs. Curling and Wilcox preached their

probationary sermons to crowded congregations on Sunday last; Messrs. Plumptre and Benson will preach theirs on Sunday next ; Messrs. South and Niblock on Sunday the 1st of September ; sni the Re- verend Dr. Price on the 8th of September. The election is appointed to take place on Tuesday the 10th of September ; and a very severe three days' contest is anticipated.

The St. George Steam-packet Company's splendid steam-ship Se- vern arrived off the Tower on Wednesday morning at four o'clock ; having performed the voyage from Cork to Plymouth in twenty-six hours, and from Plymouth to London in the short space of thirty-one hours ; being extraordinary despatch from the South of Ireland.— Times.

Sergeant W. S. Popay, the spy, belonging to the P division of Po- lice, was discharged from the force by ord. of the Police Commis- sioners on Friday week. His offence is merely stated to be misconduct.

Carlile was released on Thursday week, unconditionally, from his long imprisonment in Newgate.