crbe eguntrv. The master manufacturers of Leeds, Huddersfield, and Halifax,
have determined upon memorializing the Government respecting the conduct of the workmen of those places, whose combinations to obtain increased wages are formed in the most determined contempt of the law, and have assumed a very alarming appearance. A very numerous meeting of the inhabitants of the parish of Aston, Birmingham, was held last week, to grant a church-rate. The Reve- rend Mr. Morgan, the vicar, took the chair. After some discussion, it was moved that a rate of twopence in the .pound should be granted. An amendment was then proposed, and carried, postponing the consi- deration of the rate for six months.
The first annual meeting of the shareholders in the Bank of Birming- ham, took place at Radenhurst's Hotel, on Wednesday week ; when a dividend of 101. per cent. was declared, payable after the 14th of September next.
There is now being erected at Stonyhurst College, Lancashire, the most magnificent place of worship the Catholics will have in the ;twee kingdoms. It is supposed this church, or rather cathedral, will be completed in about sixteen months. The style is Gothic.—Kendal Chronicle.
The Captain of the Royal William cautioned his passengers, pre- viously to their landing on the Jetty at Margate on Saturday evening, to take care of their pockets, as there were many suspicious characters on board his vessel. On Sunday, on leaving the church after divine service, several ladies were robbed of their watches, &c.