STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY ArrErewoox• The depression of the French Funds in the early part of the week caused a corresponding movement in our own, and the prices of the Government Securi- .ties underwent a decline of about a per cent from our last quotations. The parties connected with the pigeon-expresses have been almost the only spe- culative operators ; and as they receive in the early part of every day the closing prices of the French Funds of the previous afternoon, their operations are of course guided by the fluctuations of the Paris market. Till today they have almost always sold stock ; but this morning one of the brokers who is he- - Belled to act for them was a large buyer, and the consequence of his operation _has been to force the price of Consols, which had previously been at 983, up to 99. Some sales for money have, however, since occurred, and the closing quotation is 98i . The books of the various Stocks the dividends upon which become due in October, will all close in the course of the next and following week, on the days given in the subjoined list. The New Three-and-a-ball per Cents will also close, in order to their amalgamation with the other varieties of Three-and-a- half per Cent Stock, which, by the reduction, will in future become Three-and- -a-quarter per Cents. The holders of the New Three-and-a-half per Cents will therefore receive 17s. 6d. per cent in October, being the amount of three -.months' dividend. In future, their stock will merge into the general mass of the Three-and-a-quarter per Cent Stock ; and the dividends upon it will become _payable in April and October, instead of in January and July as heretofore; the ;object being to equalize the pressure of the quarterly payments on the public
Bank stock .....Tuesday 3d Siptember,... Thursday 17th October. .
Throe per Ceat.Reduced...Tuesday 3d Saptember....Tuesday 22d October. Three and-a-half per ,Cent
ditto Thursday nth August.... New Three-and-a-half per I wed Beide), 23d October.
Cents Thursday 29th August.... as Three-and-a-quarter
Three.aad-shalf per Cents per Cents.
1818 Tuesday 3d September Long Annuities Tuesday 3d September ...Friday lath Oeiober.
Annuities for tetms of years Friday 6th September......Tuesday 22d October. The transactions of the Foreign Market have been on a very limited scale. Some fluctuations have occurred in Dutch Twmand-a-half per Cents ; but though the transactions in this Stock have been more extensive than usual, it has not varied more than 3 per cent, and closes at the quotations of last week. The operations in almost every other description of Stock have been quite trifling, and the Foreign Stock Exchange has been almost deserted. . Some considerable transactions have, however, occurred in Railway Shares, and generally at improved quotations. We must, indeed, except tlimSliares of the Birmingham and Gloucester line, which have experienced .a fall of 131.; having declined from 114 to 101, at which price they were yesterday quoted. An improvement has occurred today, and the price has been as high as 105. This remarkable depression was occasioned by the mall amount of dividend declared at a recent half-yearly meeting—only 25s. per share. The French Railway Shares-were at one period about U. lower than our last prices ; but they have rallied again, and may today be quoted nearly as they were last week. SATURDAY. TWELVE O'CLOCK
Nothing of importance has occurred either in the English or_Foreign Funds, and prices are the same as yesterday.
Some considerable transactions have taken place in the Railway Shares. The only alteration of importance being in those of. the Greenwich line, which have experienced a decline of 11.; having fallen from 9 to 8, in consequence of the proposed arrangement for leasing the line tathe South-eastern Company having been abandoned. It will be seen that the Birmingham and Gloucester are re- covering, being quoted today at 107; thus marking an improvement of 6/. fram Thursday's price. 'We subjoin the following list of bargains actually occurring: Birmingham and Gloucester, 106 3 7 ; Ditto, New, 26 ; Chester and Holy- head, ; Dublin and Cashel, 63; Eastern Counties 113 ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, Quarter Shares, 17; Great North of England, 112; Great Western, 137 ; Brighton, 483; Greenwich, 83 9 8; Southwestern, 863 ; Ditto, Eighth Shares, 33; Croydon, 193 19; Manchester and Birmingham, 544 ; Midland, 107 ; North British, 33; South-eastern and Dover, 373; Yarmouth and Norwich, 283 ; York aud North Midland,103i; Ditto and Selby, Scrip, 3.5 63; Lynn and Ely, 4-3 3. SATURDAY, Two o'cbocir.
The English Funds gave way about 3 per cent in the course of the day ; but have rallied, and close at the morning's prices. No change in the Foreign Bonds.
The operations in the Share Market have been extensive, and we have to notice the following bargains in addition to those given in the morning : Edin- burgh and Glasgow, 6737; Great Western, 1373; Birmingham, 2203 221 220; Blackwall, 73 3 ; Brighton, 4.83 3; Greenwich, 83; Ditto, Preference, 23; South-western, 85; Manchester and Leeds, 125; Midland and Derby and Birmingham, 78 80; Newcastle and Darlington Junction, 493; South-eastern and Dover' 36i 73; Ditto, New, 103 11; York and North Midland, 105. 3 per Cent Consols 981 1 Colombian ex Venezuela ... 13.1 14 Ditto for Account 985 i Danish 3 per Cents ,88/ -91
3 per Cent Reduced 991 1 Dutch 21 per Cents 611 45
3t per Cent Ditto. 102* 4 Ditto 5 per Cents 1005 1
New 3+ per Cents 1011 1 Mexican Spec Cents Cousd . 351 il Bank Stock 1991 Ditto Deferred 14.4 Exchequer Bills prem. 73 5 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 44
India Stock 982 Russian 5 per Cents 11920 Brazilian Spec Cents 8344+ Spanish (Active)5 per Cents. 33-4 Belgian 5 per Cents 102 3 Ditto 3 see Cents 1842 ..... Z21 j. Chilian 6 per Cents 103 ,5 Venezuela Active 41 2