Vac Tout.
THE calm of a propitious convalescence still pervades Windsor Castle. The Queen and her little Prince are going on so well, that Dr. Locock was released on Tuesday, not only from immediate attendance at the Castle, but for a Continental tour.
Prince Albert diversifies the days with the usual military and sport- ing amusements : on Monday and Wednesday he inspected the Scots Fusileers in garrison ; on Tuesday he went out deer-shooting ; on Thursday, rabbit-shooting. The Prince gave an audience to Sir Robert Peel yesterday.
Saturday was the Dutchess of Kent's birthday. Her Royal Highness breakfasted at the Castle ; received visits in the day, at Frogmore, from Prince Albert and the Duke of Cambridge ; and dined with the Prince, as usual, in the evening. The Dutchess of Gloucester visited the Dutchess of Kent, on Thurs- day, at Frogmore ; and the Queen and Prince Albert, at Windsor Castle. The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, the Hereditary Grand Duke and Grand Dutchess of Mecklenburg Strelitz, left Kew, on Monday, to
visit the Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury, at Alton Towers; and re- turned to Kew on Thursday. Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar took his departure from Bushy Park on Monday, for Marlborough House ; whence he set out for Scotland.