WAR-orrice. Aug. 19.-17th Light Drags.—Lieut. J. E. Fleeming, from the 37th Foot to be Lieut. vice Hobson, who exchanges. 1st Foot Guards—Ensign and Lieut. S. Graham to be Lieut. and Capt by purchase. vice Sir J. W. Drummond. Bart., who re- tires ; B. W. Hotham, Gent to be Ensign and Lieut, by purchase, vice Graham. 15th Font—Ensign H. B. Stuart. from the 68th Foot, to be Ensign vice Bering, who ex- changes. 28th Foot—Lient. W. J. J. Smith, from the 55th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Aitken, appointed to the 77th Foot. 37th Foot —Lieut. S. Le Hunt Hobson, from the 17th Light Drags. to be Lieut. rice Fleeming, who exchanges. 524 Foot—Ensign W. Fuller, to be Adjt. vice Carden, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 53d Foot—Lieut. J. Walker, from the 74th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Vane, who exchanges. 56th Foot—Capt. A. Cuppage. from half-pay Unattached. to be Capt. vice R. P. lace, who exchanges; Lieut. A. W. Bytes to be Capt. by purchase, vice Cuppage, who retires ; Ensign C. E. Thornton to be Lieut. by purcha-e. vice Bytes; J. P. Woodcock, Gent to be En. sign, by purchase, vicsaf horntou, 60th Foot—Capt. F. Murray to be Major, by pur- chase, vice Wilford, who retires; Lieut. W. M. Wood to be Capt. by purchase, v106 Murray; Second Lieut. H. L. Bruyeres to be First Lieut. by purchase. vice Thurlow, promoted ; Second Lieut. W. B. Parker to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Wood ; R. W. Aldworth, Gent. to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Bruyeres J. H. Payne, Gent, to he Second Lieut. by purchase, rice Parker. 63d Foot—Lieut. G. IL Cox, from the tat West India Regiment, to be Lieut. vice Fowle, promoted. 68th Foot— Ensign H. H. Greer to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Horner. who retires ; Ensign E. H. Deriug, from the 15th Foot, to be Ensign. vice Stuart. who exchanges ; H. Morant, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Greer. 69th Foot—F. W. Bennett, Geut. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Carter, appoiuted to the 6th Drags. 74th Foot—Lieut. Use Hon. F. W. H. Fame, from the 5.3d Foot. to be Lieut. rice Walker, who exchanges.
1st West India Regt.--(1. W. Powell. Gent, to be Assistant-Surgeon. 2d West India Regiment—E. B. Tuson, Gent, to be Assistaut-Surgeon.
Erratum in the Gazette of May 31.-52d Foot—Far Raphael Woolman Read°, M.D. to be Assist.-Surg. read Raphael Woolmau Read, Gent, to be Assist-Surg.
August 20.-9th Light Drags.—Veterinary Surgeon R. J. G. Hurford, from the 16th Light Drags, to be Veterinary Surgeon, rice G. Johnston, who retires upon half-pay. 14th Light Drags.—Cornet F. D. Gray to be Lieut. without purchase, vi-e Horton, dec.; Cornet G. A. Foster, from the 16th Light Drags., to be Cornet, vice Gray. 15th Light Drags—Sergeant-Major W. Clarkson to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Vizard„ dec. 11th Foot—IM. S. Crooke, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Hewes, pro- moted. 17th Foot—Ensign R. P. O'Shea to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Hunter. dec.; Ensign W. H. H. Ellison to be Lieut. without purchase, vice O'Shea, whose pro- motion on the 2d of August 1844, has been cancelled ; C. P. Belton. Gent, to be Ensign, vice Ellison. 18th Foot—Capt. C. P. Trapand, from half-pay Unattached, to be Capt. vtce J. P. Mitford. who exchanges Lieut. A. Murray to be Capt. by purchase, vice Trapand, who retires ; Ensign G. H. Cazalet, from the 83d Foot, to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Murray. 19th Foot—Lieut. J. Fowke, from half-pay 68th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Langley, promoted ; Ensign J. L. R. Rooke tube Lieut. by purchase. vice Fawke, who retires; W. H. Warner, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Rooks. 23d Foot— Major A. Champain, from half-pay Unattached, to be Major, vice W. Cockell, who ex- changes; Captain H. Seymour tube Major, by purchase, vice Champain, who retire.; Lieut. G. Ferguson to be Capt. by purchase. vice Seymour ; Second Lieut. P. L. Phil- lips, to be First Lieut. by purchase. vice Ferguson ; L. Agassiz, Geut, to be Second Lieut. by par. vice Phillips. 41st Foot—Ensign T. C. Taylor to be Lieut. by pur. v100 De Blaquiere, promoted in the 3d West India Regt. ; J. W. N. B. Parry, Gent, to be Ensign by purchase, vice Taylor. 44th Foot—Captain the Hon. St. George G. Foley, from the 53d Foot, to be Capt. vice Carter, who exchanges ; Lieut. Sir T. Erskine, Bart. from the 71st Foot, to be Lieut. vice J. L. Carey, who exchanges. 49th Foot— F. J. Bampfylde, Gent, to be Ensign, by pnrchase, vice Cast, appointed to the 1st Foot Guards. 51st Foot—Sergeaut-Major R. Shean to be Quartermaster, vice W. Kenny, who retires upon half-pay. 53d Foot—Capt. J. C. L. Carter, from the 44th Foot. to be Capt. vice Foley, who exchanges. 624 Foot—Lieut. J. H. T. Hutchins to be Capt. %sellout purchase, vice Es-alt, dec. ; Ensign M. Kelly to be Lieut. vice Hutchins ; A. A. Cross, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. vice Kelly. 71st Foot—Lieut. J. to Marchant Carey, from the 44th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Sir T. Erskine. w ho exchanges. 83d Foot—T. Adams, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Cazalet, promoted in the 18th Foul. 94th Foot—Capt. C. Cotten to be Major, without purchase, vice Lindsay. dec. ; Lieut. H. G. Buller to be Capt. rice Cotton ' • Ensign T. 14. Stoddard to be Lieut. vice Buller; Ensign J. A. Sykes to be Lieut. vice Stoddard, whose promotion on Aug. 2, 1844, has been cancelled ; R. T. Hearn, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Edwards, dec. ; J. Buchanan, Gent, to be Ensign. vice Sykes.
RI West India Regt.—Capt. I. Walker, frpm half-pay 45th Foot, to be Capt. vice Smales, appointed Paymaster of 1st Dragoon Guards ; Lieut. the Hon. J. de Ma- qaiere, from the 41st Foot. to be Capt. by purchase, rice Walker, who retires. Brevet—Major A. Champain, of the 231 Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. in the Army. Cap- tain L Walker, of the 3d West India Regt. to be Major in the Army.
Wan OFFICE, Aug. 23.—Ist Drag. Guards—S. R. Brise, Gent. to be Cornet, by pur- chase, rice Bence. promoted. 7th Drag. Guards—R, Johnston, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, Nice Robinson, appointed to the 72d Foot. 8th Light Drags—Capt. F. G. Shewell to be Major, by purchase, vice Cholmeley, who retires ; Lieut. C. J. Long- more to be Capt. by purchase, vice Shewell ; Lieut. H. S. Pakenham. from the 721 Foot, lobe Lieut. by purchase, vice Lougmore. 1st Foot—A. He Mowbray, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice B. Mein, whose appointment has been cancelled. 7th Foot —Lieut. the Hon. C. L. Hare lobe Capt. by purchase, vice the Hon. T. II. IL Thurlow, who retires; Lieut. II. A. Porter, from the 14th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Floyd, appointed to the 54th Foot ; Ensign J. D. Verner, from the 47th Foot, to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Hare. 221 Foot—Lieut. R. C. Jones, from the 26th Foot. to be Lieut_ v ice Andrews, who exchanges. 24th Foot—Ensign and Adjt. G. E. L. Williams to have the rank of Lieut. ; Lieut. F. C. Skurray, from half-pay 40th Foot. to be Lieut. vice T. Hodgetts, who exchanges. 25th Foot—Capt. J. Impett, from half-pay Unat- tached, to be Captain, vice S. P. Peacock°, who exchanges. 26th Foot—Lieutenant T. Andrews, from the 22d Regt. of Foot, to be Lieutehant, vice Jones, who exchanges. 36th Foot—Capt. H. Pratt, from half-pay 58th Foot, to be Capt. vice Maulererer, who exchanges; Lieut. E. C. Butler to be Capt. by purchase, vice Pratt, who retires ; En- sign J. H. Pochin to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Butler ; G. Birney, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Poehin. 42d Foot—Capt. T. White, from half-pay Unattached, to be Capt. vice Lord C. L. Kerr, who exchanges, 44th Feet—Lieut. C. II, M. Smith to
be Capt. by purchase. vice Puleston, who retires; Lieut. F. S. Daubeney. from the 55th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Porter, appointed to the ;th Foot; Ensign W. Fanssett to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Smith; C. Chamberlain. Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase,
e ke Fanssett ; Lieut. J. A. L. Philipps to be Adjt. vice Smith. promoted. 47th Foot - W. F. A. Roche, Geut, to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Verner. promoted in the 7th Foot. 49th Foot -Ensign J. H. Biggs lobe Lieut. without purchase, vice Shakespear, dec.; Ensign M. M'Creagh, from the 53d Foot. to be Ensign, vice Biggs. 534 Foot- W. G. Spitler, Gent, to be Ensign without purchase, vice M' Creagh, appointed to the 49th Foot. 59th Foot-Ensign E. G. Byam to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Perrott, who retires; T. B Williams. Gent. lobe Ensign. by purchase, vice Byam. 61st Foot - Lieut. J. F Brickdale to be Adjt. vice Deacon, promoted; Ensign A. Grant to be Lieut. without purchase; R. G. Brackenbury, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Grant. 64th Poot-Assist.-Surg. W. Purdon. M.D. from the Staff, lobe Assist.-Surg. vice Browoson, who exchanges. 724 Foot-Ensign J. Mackenzie to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Pakenham. appointed to the 8th Light Drags.; Cornet D. Robinson. from the 7th Drag. Guards, to be Ensign. vice Mackenzie. 79th Foot-Lieut. R. C. H. Taylor to be Capt. by purchase, vice Butler, who retires; Ensign W. T. W. Wood to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Taylor; T. Maitland, Geot, to be Ensign, by purchase, rice Wood.
Rifle Brigade-C. V. Oxenden, Gent, to be Sec. Lieut. by purchase, vice Hilayard, who retires; Lieut. J. Newbury, from the 89th Foot, to be Paymaster, vice Middleton, eppoiuted to a Recruiting District.
West India Itegtr.-Assist.-Sure. W. Robinson, M.D. from the Staff, to be Regt. Burg. to be attached to the 1st, 24, or 3d West India Regts. as the exigencies of the ser- vice may require. 24 West India Regt.-Eusign T. B. Tuite to be I.ieut. by purchase. vice Maxwell, who retires ; G. G. Griffith, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, viceTuite.
Ceylon Rifle Regt.-Sec. Lieut. A. Dezure to be First Lieut. by purchase, rice Col- ley, whose promotion has been cancelled; Lieut. J. Gillespie, from half-pay Garrison Battalion, to be Lieut. vice Phelan, promoted ; Sec. Lieut. J. A. Layard to be First Lieut, by purchase, vice Gillespie, who retires; D. D. Graham, Gent, to be Sec. Lieut. by purchase, vice Layard; G. S. Dwyer, Gent, to be Sec. Lieut. without purchase, Vice Deane, promoted. Hospital Staff-Assiste-Surg. W. H. Brownson, M.D., from the 64th Foot, to be As- iist.-Surg. to the Forces. vice Pardon, who exchanges. Brevet-Capt. 14- Pratt. of the 36th Foot. to be Major in the Army.
Aeranievm, AUG. 16.-Corps of Royal Marines-First Lieut, G. Elliot to be Capt. vice Capt. It. 0. Bridge, to half-pay ; See. Lieut, W. Hutchison to be First Lieut.
Vice Elliot, promoted. _