24 AUGUST 1850, Page 18



The book of the week is Mr. Edwin Clark's history of the "Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges," with an exposition of the principles on which they were -constructed. It is expressly designed by the author for popular perusal, so far as the full treatment of, such a subject can become popular; and from our as yet cursory examination, it seems to carry out the intention of the writer. With the more general matter are mingled some sections of a closer scientific character, both by Mr. Clark and his friends ; and the vo- lumes arc illustrated by diagrams and plates. They are also accompanied by "a folio volume of plates of a novel character as applied to works on engi- neering; and the process of constractioa is faithfully Perpetuated in a series of tinted lithographs from sketches with the, camera hide."

.The _Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges; with general Inquiries= Beams and on the Properties of Materials used in Construction. By Edwin Clark, resident Engineer. Published with the sanction and under the supervision of Robert Stephenson. In two volumes. (With Plates in folio.) Sermons on some of the Subjects of the Day, preached at Trinity Church, Marylebone. By Gilbert Elliot, D.D., Dean of BristoL

[Some of those sermons have already appeared in separate forma, either pub- lished-by the author or with his sanction; and a few new ,discoures are add- ed to complete a volume. The sermons involve the preacher's idea of the du- ties of an Anglican minister; in which Dr. Elliot disavows all claim to the priest1Leharacter as put forth by the Romanis ta, the Tractarians, and we fan- cy the liugh Church party ; SOMO of the points at issue between the Protestants raid Tractarians; and an exposition of the Churchman's duty towards the poor, on the occasion of some charity sermons. It would seem that the -controver- sial discourses occasioned remark, which has given rise to a defensive preface of great boldness and severity against the Tractarians.] On the Strength of Materiels; containing various original and useful Formula, specially applied to Tubular Bridges, Wrought Iron and Cast Iron Beams, &c. By Thomas Tate, Author of "The Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus," Sm.

(Mr. Tate's book on the en.math of materials is chiefly founded on the facts elicited and the principles elucidated daring the construction of the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges. It is in facts aeries of papers on the strength of materials, calculated from data discovered by the experi- ments instituted during the erection of those structures. Mr. Tate has ar- rived the subjects in order, and digested, simplified, and rendered them more available by criticism and exposition. The book contains the result of new and important knowledge presented in a -small empire. It is of a strictly mathematical and technical character.]

Mr. Bohn's republications for his Classical and Illustrated Library claim a sentence of remark, as being of a more peculiar character than usual. "The Races of Man " is a reprint of Dr. Pickering's quarto volume, which formed the last of the series containing an account of the "United States Ex- ploring Expedition," and was published at three guineas. This costly work, with its illustrative engravings, and an Analytical Synopsis of the Natural History of Man as held by various writers, not to be found in the original publication, may now be had for a few shillings. A translation of the Ethics of Aristotle is not so costly an affair as the Races of Man, but it was not easy to get the book, and the style of the cur- rent version was hardly of the tame. This difficulty to the student is re- moved by Mr. Browne's translation, based in part upon his predecessors, whenever they are as exact as he can hope to be. He has also added notes, and an introductory analysis, almost a treatise in itself.

The second edition of Messrs. Taylor and Walton's Greek Testament con- tains a variety of illustrative matter, in addition to a correct and neatly. printed text; and from the number of its readings and references, it forms one of the completest editions without notes that the student can possess.

The new matter in the fifth edition of Professor Sedgwick's well-known Discourse is a Preface longer than the Discourse itself, on the Doctrine of Final Causes, and the Theory of Spontaneous Generation ; in which he con- tinually refers to the celebrated Vestiges of Creation, and makes a severe attack on the science of the riter.

The Races of Man, and their Geographical Distribution. By Charles Pickering, M.D. New edition. To which is prefixed an Analytical Synopsis of the Natural History of Man. ByJohn Charles Hall, M.D., Ric. (Bohn's Illustrated Library.) The Hicomachean Ethics of Aristotle. Translated, with Notes, Ori- ginal and Selected, &c. By R W. Browne, M.A. (Bohn's Classical Library.) H Karim Arabes-is. Griesbach's Text, with the various readings of Mill and Scholz. Second edition, revised and corrected.

A Discourse on the Studies of the University of Cambridge. By Adam Sedgwick, M.A.. F.R.S., &c. The fifth edition, with Additions, and a preliminary Dissertation.


The Entry into Jerusalem. Engraved by the Anaglyptograph from the original Prize Bas-relief by John Hancock.

Slialespere's SevenAges. Etched by E. Goodall, after original Designs by Daniel MaelisP,


Thoughts suggested by the Death of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel. A Sermon, preached in St. Mary's 'gall, Glasgow, on the 7th July 1850. By S. T. Porter- A Letter to the Churchwardens of the Parish of Brampford Speke, from the Bishop of _Exeter.

Agricultural Drainage; being an Extract of the Practical Part of an Essay which appeared in the Quarterly Review, No. CLYTT With Illustrations.