Cht Court.
QUEEN Vicroitra has left Osborne, for atmhort visit to the King of the Belgians, at Ostend. Her Majesty and Prince Albert were to have set sail on Tuesday, but the wind was much too stormy for a voyage of pleasure ; and the departure was deferred. Meanwhile, Sir Francis Thornhill Baring had arrived at Osborne, to accompany her Majesty as the Minister in attendance.
On Wednesday the weather had so far moderated, that the Royal par- ty were tempted to embark, about five in the evening. The flotilla con- sisted of the Victoria and Albert and the Fairy steam-yachts, the Black Eagle war-steamer, and the Vivid mail steam-packet. The squadron passed Dover on Thursday morning at five o'clock, and brief accounts were received yesterday of its arrival in Ostend harbour shortly before noon.
King Leopold had arrived from Brussels at Ostend, by a special train, on Tuesday night. The worthy inhabitants of Ostend expected our Queen with intentions to give her a most kindly welcome ; but, 'with na- tional phlegm, they seemed little moved by the coming event, till almost the moment of the landing. Accustomed to receive their own King, whose visits to Ostend have been but rare, with very placid and un- demonstrative joy, they seemed about to receive a visiting crowned head with similar calmness, and hardly any marked preparations were visible on Wednesday. On Thursday morning, however, it was mennixhing to see what a change the single night had made. Flags, chaplets, and wreaths, were suspended from houses by the thousand, and decorated triumphal arches had sprung like mushrooms by hundreds over the 'Meets.
The weather at Ostend was still so threatening on Thursday, that the report of Queen Victoria's certain arrival that day was received with incredulity. It was not till the rappel was sounded by the troops, and that the soldiery were seen actually marching to their position on the steam-boat jetty, that the Ostenders believed her Majesty would really come across. The squadron hove in sight about nine o'clock ; and in
itnfkrfiCdAil=thlVbneaoltirt" gentieriatein
i=s alike," made oplCon: landi Of the landing. We present an abridgment of the de-
"aerfptzen by" correspondent of the Times.
helf-ptiat, ur en o'clock, the Royal yacht dashed up the narrow
lattragetil, e o piers winch lead to the harbours—the Royal stand- 4 flag at the fore, and with the lead going \ tont the Aillains..* he rounded the lighthouse, a spurt of flame flashed `Oft oiti ett the , rampart, and the thunder of the first gun of a repel s- salute echoed through every street in fletesel. The crowd on the piers took off their hats and waved handkeschiefs as the yacht passed, but so far as my ears conli judge there vas no cheering. Queen Victoria was on the
-deck with Prince Albert and four ef the Royal children, and returned
salutatkns of the people with curtsies. At the Customhouse, the troop kept the spare in freest of the knding-pleee clear for the reception of the Queen. Inside the xerasrmwere rnag Leopold, dressed in the muforin of a Belgian General, Major Count Moerkerke, General Goblet, and the mem- bers of his staff, and the bands of the regiments on duty. Before the echoes of the last gun of the salute had died away, the yacht had nearly arrived at her moorings by the jetty. The Queen and Prince Albert, who had left the quarter-deck and mounted up to the paddle-box platform, with the Prince of Wales, his brother, the Princess Royal, and the Princess Alice, soon after the yacht entered the harbour, seemed in high spirits, and looked as if they en- joved the scene amazingly : just at this momesit. a heavy drizzling began to fall, which made the shelter of the platform canopy very acceptable. Her Majesty was dressed in plain silk mourning; Prince Albert wore a black frock-coat and trousers ; and the young Princes were attired as sailors— little black glazed hats, round jackets, and wide pantaloons. As the yacht hauled up alongside, at twelve o'clock, the Queen and suite descended to the quarter-deck, and the King of the Belgians stepped up the gangway and welcomed his royal guest with great warmth. The interview was like that which takes place between old friends. The King shook hands and was shaken hands with most cordially. He took particular notice of the chil- dren, who looked in good but not in robust he th and the whole party were soon engaged in animated and apparently in happy conversation. Meanwhile, the bands had been playing 'God save the Queen' till they were all out of breath; and an interval of about half an hour elapsed before any movement was made which could indicate the intentions of the Queen. Mr. Curry, the English Consul, went on board, and was graciously received by her Majesty, and a few members of the King's staff; but no other person left the shore. At one o'clock five of the Royal carriages drove into the square ; and soon afterwards, King Leopold, with uncovered head, led her Majesty along the gangway from the deck, and handed her into the • eipal equipage. The crowd cheered vigorously as soon as they perceive the- Queen ; every hat was off; and as Prince Albert followed with the Royal children, the cheering was renewed, the troops closing up the demonstration with three military cheers. The Royal suite having got into the other car- riages, after an interval, followed her Majesty, who, preceded by outriders, had slowly driven to the Royal residence. Her reception was very gratify- ing; very quiet, but full of sentiment and respect. In a few minutes her Majesty arrived at her destination ; and but for a guard of honour before the door, and a few stragglers, nothing would have given notice that anything particular was taking place in the dull-looking mansion. A dejetiner a is fourchette was prepared for the Royal party ; after partaking of which, the Queen' King Leopold, Prince Albert, and the Royal children, took a drive to the West Sands ; where they got out and walked for a little, returning to town in about half an hour.'