24 AUGUST 1850, Page 2

In the Dutehies of Schleswig and Holstein nothing has advanced

but time. Time, however, is precious to both sides. The Danes may be supposed to have all their resources at command, and have nothing further to gain by waiting. On the other hand, the ma- jority of the people in the joint Dutchy have something to gain by delay, and something also to fear from too long a delay. They look for resources mainly to Germany behind them ; and aithough Germany is well disposed, she is slow. Etiquette prevents the German Governments from taking an ostensible part in the war; and the people have been so little accustomed to run alone in matters political, without some official nurse or go-cart of routine, that., with all the heart in the world, they cannot colleet themselves and march to the aid of Schleswig-Hol- stein. They are striving to effect that evolution ; but it is slow work. A lapse of time, then, is likely to procure for the joint Dntehy larger reinforcements ; but too great an allowance of time might have the effect of cooling the ardour which is so transient in most volunteer bodies, of raising doubts and developing divi- sions. These considerations render the future more than com- monly obscure especially as the conspiracy of Absolutist interests, sitting under Lord Palmerston's auspices in London, has disclosed counsels at once malignant and impracticable : the conspiracy will do all it can for Absolutist interests in the affair, but it sets about the work in a way not to command success ; so that the ultimate product of the conspiracy defies calculation, as much as the ulti- mate product of the mcohesive public ojunion, the scattered public effort of Schleswig-Holstein's erudite ally.