24 AUGUST 1850, Page 21


BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)

&dun,. Monday. Tuesday. *Wows Thum Friday,

per Cent Consols



961 961 Ditto for Account 964 964 ril


3 per Cents Reduced 97 97 97




96 961 97 31 per Cents 184 99 981 9 98 99 Long Annuities 81

81 81 — 81 Bank Stock, 8 per Cent 2121 2114 2121 2124 212 2121 India Stock, 10i per Cent --- — — — 266 267 Exchequer Bills, lid. per diem India Bonds, 34 per Cent 68 pm. — 68 — 63 — 68 — 68

yg pin .




(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

Austrian 5 p. Co. 84 Massachusetts (Sterling). ..S p. Ct 1071 Belgian 44— 911 Mexican 5 -- 291 Ditto 21

Michigan a

Brazilian S — 92 Mississippi (Sterling) a

Buenos Ayres 6 —

New York (1858) a


Chllisn 6 —

— Ohio 6

Danish 3 — 77 Pennsylvania s 831 cad.

Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) ..2i — 571 Peruvian 44 811 Ditto 4 — 594

Portuguese a

French s —

Ditto. 3

Ditto 5 97f. 796.

Russian a

1121 Indiana (Sterling) S — 734

Spanish a

18 Illinois a --

Ditto 3 --


Ditto (Passive) 3;1 Louisiana (Sterling) 5 — 90ex d. Ditto (Deferred)

Maryland (Sterling) 2 — to Venezuela Active 36 SHARE S.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)




Australasian 271 Edinburgh and Glasgow

British North American

Eastern Counties


Great Northern 91 Commercial of London 22 Great North of England 242 cad. London and Westminster


Great South. and West. Ireland.. 291

London Joint Stock

Great Western 681 ex d. National of Ireland

Hull and Selby

National Provincial 374 Lancashire and Yorkshire 394 Provincial of Ireland 42 Lancaster and Carlisle


Union of Australia 321 London Brighton and South Coast


Union of London 121 London and 'Rockwall 41


London and North-western 1111 Bolanos

Midland a3 Brazilian Imperial

North British 6 Ditto (St. John del Rey) 164 South-eastern and Dover 151

Cubic Copper

33 South-western Si ex d.


York, Newcastle, and Berwick 141 Australian Agricultural 15 York and North Midland


Canada 24


General Steam 274 East and West India 143 Peninsular and Oriental Steam .. 77 London 129 Royal Mail Steam 60 St. Katherine 52 South Australian

84 ex d.

BULLION. Per oz.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard £3 17 9 Foreign Gold in Coin, Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 4 101 Silver in Bars, Standard 0 4 111

METALS. Per ton.

Copper, British Cakes FA 0 0 .. 0 0 0

Iron, British liars .... 5 10 0 .. 0 0

Lead, British Pig 17 15 0 .. 18 0 Steel, Swedish Yea— 13 15 0 .. 14 0

Wheat,R.New 40 to 42 GRAIN. Mark Rye 22 to 23 Lane, Aug. 23, Maple 2O toll Oats, Feed 16 to 17 Fine 42-44 Earley 19 — 20 White .... 25-26 Flue 17-16 Old 40-41 Molting... 23-24 Boilers ... 27—IS Poland ... 17—IS White 41-42 Malt, Ord. .. 49-10 Beans, Ticks. 25 — 27 Fine .. 18 — 19 Fine 42-44 Fine 50-12 Old 27 — 29 Potato .... 21 —22 Super. New. 44—SO

Peas, hog... 27-28

Indian Corn. 27-29 Fine .. 23 — 24 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN.

Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.

Wheat ... 430. Id. I Rye 23.. lid. Barley .... 22 2 Beans 27 7 Oats 18 0 Peas 27 1 PROVISIONS

Butter—Best Fresh, lls. Od. per doz. Carlow, 31. Ils. to 31. I0a, per cwt.

Bacon, Irish per cwt. 60.. to Ow.

Cheese, Cheshire 42 60 Derby Plain 14 54 Hams, York 60 70

Eggs, French, per 120, as. od. to 6..6d.



s. d. s. d. s. d.


a. d. s. d. s. d. Summate.

Beef .. 2

6 to 2 10 to 3

4 2 10 to 3 6 to 3

10 Friday. Monday.

Mutton 2 8 — 3 0 — 3 8 3 8 — 3 10 — 4 2 Beasts. 1,098 3,701 Veal., 2 4 — 3 0 — 8 2 10 — 3 4 — 3 10 Sheep. 14,4 0 29,350 Pork .. 2 8 — 3 4-4 0 3 4 — 3 8 — 4 0

Calves. 591

240 Lamb.. 3 4 — 4 0 — 4

4 4

0 — 4 4

— 4

Pig.... 215 290 • To sink the offal, per Sib.


Kent Pockets 110s. to 130.. Down and half-bred Hogs per lb. 12.1. to 1344.

Choice ditto 120 — 210 Wether and Ewe

II — 124


100 108

Leicester Hogget and Wether.... II — 0 Farnham ditto 0 — 0 Fine Combing

101— 114

Ray, Good


70.. to 75. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.) WHirrensrsto 76s. to 80.. Os. to 70..

Inferior 50 63 55 — 60 0 — 0 New 60 63

46 — 60 65 — 63

Clover 75 80 88 — 90 74 —64 Wheat Straw 26 20

22 —26


Tea, Bohea, fine.. .per lb ' Os. ld. to Os. 24. Congou, tine 1 4 — 1 6

Souchong, fine 1 3 — 2 4

• In Bond—Duty 2s. Id. per lb. Coffee, tine (In bond) per cwt. 61s. to 105..

Good Ordinary 43 — 44r. id.

sugar, muscovado, per cwt 25.. 54d. West India Molasses 119. Od. to Or. 44

WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending Aug. 17.

Wheat . 43.. gd. I Rye 22,04.

Barley 22 8 Beans 28 2 Oats 18 4 Peas ... 26 5 FLOUR.

Town-made per sack 40... to 43s.

Seconds 37 — 40 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 32 — 34 Norfolk and Stockton 30 — 32 American per barrel 23 — 25 Canadian 22 — 24

Bread, 6.1. to 7.1. the 1111. loaf.

OILS, COALS, CANDLES. Rape Oil per cwt. 51 15 Relined 1 17

Linseed Gil 112

Linaeed Oil-Cake per 1000 9 0

Candles, per dozen, 4s. 6d. to 6s. Od. Moulds (6d. per doz. discount) 7s. Od. Coals, Hetton 13 6

Tees 103 6 0