24 AUGUST 1850, Page 4


A Waterford paper states that the Reverend Henry Saclleir, nephew of the Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, has been appointed by the Lord- Lieutenant to the vacant Deanery of Waterford. The emoluments are over 12001. a year.

The Pope has authorized a Synod of the Catholic Prelacy of Ireland. Thurlea has been chosen as the place of convocation ; and the Irish papers are on tiptoe of expectation at the religious and political results of so weighty a conclave. The ancient town was crowded on Wednesday with Roman Catholic clergy of all ranks, from the mitred Archbishop to Friars "of orders grey " ; with an immense congregation of curious spectators.

The general bearing of the accounts of the crops is favourable. The reports of failure among the potatoes have died away, save in small ex- ceptional instances. The other crops are bulky, and ripening under a generally favourable sky.

By a return printed last week, it is shown that in the week ended the 3d August instant, there were 220,133 in-door poor, and 73,850 out-door. In the corresponding week of the previous year, the in-door numbered 203,199 ad the out-door 666,224.