Indrig. — The Emperor has made up his mind for conflict, and
on the 22nd instant Field-Marshal Count Haller, a Transylvanian, read to the Diet, as royal commissioner, the following message :
" Seeing that the Hungarian Diet has not obeyed the requests which have been addressed to it, and that we can hardly expect any further beneficial action from a Diet which, to the great disadvantage of all concerned, so entirely misunderstands its highly important mission in such difficult circumstances as to declare the way to be absolutely closed against any possible arrangement, because its demands, which in their extent exceed the bounds of admissibility, could not be acceded to, we find it necessary to dissolve the present Diet.
" We at the same time reserve to ourselves the right of assembling a new Diet, possibly within six months from this time." This act is constitutional, the right of dissolution always remaining with the King, but the Diet intends to protest energetically against the violation of the constitution, and the arbitrary acts committed by the Government. The Upper House has concurred in this resolve. The levy of taxes by the military has recommenced, but it is said that to levy them properly will demand a force of 120,000 men, who even then will not obtain half the amount. The process seems very un- scientific, and far inferior to the plan of levying the arrears in kind, using the supplies for the support of the army. The French journals renew the rumour about the abdication of the Emperor in favour of the Archduke Maximilian, but without any clear authority even from Viennese gossip. The county committees must next be dissolved, and the employes will resign, thus compelling the Administration to conduct its business through Austrians alone. Meanwhile, three hundred thousand copies of M. Deak's address have been circulated in the interior, penetrating into the remotest nook and hamlet.