(By British and Irish Magnetic Telegraph.)
DUBLIN, Friday, Aug. 23, 1p.m. IN expectation that the Queen would visit the Art Exhibition today, the line of streets leading from the Viceregal Lodge to the Fahibition Building was crowded from an early hoar this morning, but up to the present time her Majesty has not left the Lodge. At eleven o'clock, the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor drove in state to the Lodge, and had the honour of personally presenting the address of the corpo- ration to her Majesty, who briefly thanked his Lordship, for the kind congratulations of the citizens of Dublin, and intimated that she would on a future occasion communicate a formal reply to the address. Up to this hour there is nothing known of her Majesty's intentions or movements. The general impression is, that she will not come into the city to-day, but, notwithstandk, this belief, the streets continue thronged by thousands. His Royal Highness Prince Albert proceeded, attended by Major Du Plat, to the Curragh Camp, at half-past ten, and will return before four o'clock. The Princesses Helena and Alice, and Prince Alfred, accompanied by the Honourable Victoria and Mr. Steuart Wortley, visited the Castle this morning. They next went
through the entire suite of apartments of the Chapel Royal and St. Patrick's Hall, and then they proceeded to Trinity College, where they visited the Examination Hall, the Library, and the Museum. They next proceeded to the National Education Board, where they are at present.