SIR, —Will your lively correspondent, "F.," inform me why a woman in the intervals of school-inspecting cannot bind man and his strength in virtue,' whatever that remarkable operation may be, as well as while doing anything else ? And why, when woman asks for some special work, is she always told to do some- thing else instead ? And why is it assumed that she can never do more than one thing ? On the strength of her gift for "bam- boozling" men, which this writer seems to think much more her proper line than taking his spade, and doing, like man, some active work, she is exhorted to make it her care "to bind man and his strength in virtue," rather than covet any variety of school-inspecting. The assurance of this mysterious power, which necessitates exclusion from any other career (for, I sup- pose, it is not only school-inspecting that is incompatible with its exercise), will be but poor consolation to the thousands of women who must maintain themselves, who see a work especially con- nected with their own sex, ready to hand, and are conscious of faculties for it, with no particular call for either " bamboozling " or " binding " men one way or another.—I am, Sir, &c.,
J. G.