Mr. Curzon's speech, we notice, afforded no adequate answer either
on the question of Foreign Office versus Colonial Office administration, or on the slavery problem. He virtually avoided the subjects. We trust that this "means that the Government has still an open mind on both problems. In our opinion, they ought to isolate the Islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, and treat them as an East African Malta and Gozo. That done, they should treat Uganda and the whole of the rest of British East Africa as a single political entity, held together by the new railway. Comprehensive treatment as regards taxation, railway development, trade, military occupation, and adminis- tration, is the only way in which to secure efficiency and economy. We trust that if the Government does undertake a reorganisation of East Africa, they will give their policy a fair chance by selecting as its executants men who have knowledge and experience. It would, for example, be a thousand pities if they were to neglect to avail themselves of the services of Captain Lugard. He would make an ad- mirable Administrator-General for East Africa, and, if given full powers, would, we venture to assert, abate the nuisance of slavery under the British flag in six months ; and this without that punitive suppreesion of slavery which Mr. Stanley rightly deprecates.