In dealing - with the continued resistance of the Boers, whom Lord .
Kitchener estimated to nitniber in the first week in • July thirteen thousand five hundred, his actual verds are worth quoting in full. The prolongation of the war he describes as ." an insensate resistance, which some may: centider patriotic, but. which has in my opinion, long since forfeited such a: designation and become as unjustifiable pro- longation of the sufferings of women and Children. Such tantinuance of hostilities, causing so much devastation of the country and distress to their own families, is due to the ignorant arrogance of leaders, WhO; though originally opposed te the war, are unwilling now to submit to what they foresaw would be its inevitable consequences. The Beer party who *land war have quitted the field and are now urging those. whom they deserted to continue a useless struggle by giving lying assurances to the ignorant burghers of outside .assist- ance, and by raising absurdly deceitful hopes that Great Britain has not sufficient endurance. to see the matter' through." We agree that the resistance is insensate, that iris • maintained by the better kind of burghersi(i.e.; those who were not originally inflamed by a mad ambition),- and that the real authorebf the war now encourage and inspire- it from a safe. (1.Mce tan,.but, we Cannot help admiring the 'tenacity, useless arltis; of the men who: are still in the -field. - That though-
they did not take up arms lightly they are now loth to lay them down is no doubt to be greatly regretted, but it is to their credit, not the reverse.