24 AUGUST 1901, Page 3

We are delighted to chronicle the fact that Mr. Rose-Lines

and Mr. Solomon, two of the ablest and soundest of South African statesmen, have received the K.0.3f.G., for no men deserve better of the Empire. Mr. Rose-Lmes, to speak of him once more without his title, has never wavered in hia'sane and honourable Imperialism. A weaker man would manytimes during the last ten years in South Africa have yielded to the temptation to be drawn into the orbits of one or other of the Cape factions. He, however, to his infinite credit, showed that a man could remain an Imperialist without 'being a Rhodesian, could adopt a reasonable and liberal standpoint as regards the Dutch without becoming a creature of the Bond, and, lastly, could take a humane view of the native question without being a sentimental "negrophilist."