24 AUGUST 1918, Page 3

The decision was intimated at the end of last week

that in future each Dominion shall be represented by a Minister permanently stationed in London, and that the Imperial War Cabinet shall meet, with these Ministers as members of it, often enough to ensure a real continuity in its work as the supreme executive authority for the Empire, and sustained communication between the British War Cabinet and the Dominion Governments. Canada has had such a permanent Minister, Sir George Kemp, for some time; his colleagues might be General Smuts for South Africa, Sir Joseph Ward for New Zealand, and possibly Mr. Hughes for Australia. India is to be represented ; and the Prime Ministers of the Dominions, as members of the Imperial War Cabinet, will have direct communication with the Prime Minister here. This decision is not an innovation, but it widens the basis of closer contact between the Home Country and the Dominions, and is therefore welcome. Closer union, we have always contended, must begin at the top.