Caesar or Christ?
Germany,seems any cost to isolate herself in .the fields of culture and religion as well as of politics from the rest of Western civilization. Reich Bishop Miller's declaration of war on the Jews is issued in the name of a Christianity unknown, fortunately, to Christians in any other Western country. The declara- tion in a current periodical by the Hitler Youth leader August Hoppe, that " we must summon all our forces for a final battle against Christianity " speaks for itself. So, in another way, does the decision of the dissident Protestant pastors that they dare not risk attending the World Christian Conference in progress at Fano in Denmark, in view of the disapproval of Dr. Muller, who is, however, to be represented himself. On the other side is to be recorded, for what it. may prove to be worth, a modification by Dr. Frick. the Minister of the Interior, of the veto on any public discussion of eccleSiastical affairs. In spite of the courageous resistance of certain elements in both the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches the whole trend is towards the subjection of Christianity in Germany to German Nationalism. Noth- ing, it may be repeated, could More fundamentally alienate Germany from most other Western countries, this country most of all. •