24 AUGUST 1934, Page 19
PECCAVIMUS—SIMPLY [To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR, —Doubtless all your
readers will agree with " Janus," that Sir Kingsley Wood ought not to teach us to spell in- divisible indivisable ; but ought The Spectator to teach us to spell onomatopoeia onamatopoeia, as it assays to do in Crossword No. 98 ?
" It seriously shakes my hitherto implicit faith in his
omniscience 1 "—I am, Sir, &c., C. B. KNIGHT. Kentdale, Shipton Road, York.
[To other correspondents who have written with varying degrees of urbanity on the same subject we express regrets for a slip for which there was no excuse.—En. The Spectator.]