Edited by James P. R. Lyell
Although Mrs. Piozzi, or Thrale, considered that " meta- physic is at best a melancholy, and disappointing study," she waded through the Philosophical Essays of Isaac Watts, and annotated them. The acumen sh e shows reveals a power of criticism in abstract matters which may surprise her readers, and show her in a slightly new light. There are some references to Dr. Johnson. The booklet (Grafton, 5s.) concludes with a chronological list of Mrs. Piozzi's published works. Two of the pages are given in facsimile.
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Though' the memoir of T. W. Dunn reviewed in the last issue of THE SPECTATOR by Mr. E. E. Kellett was rightly described as privately printed, copies may be obtained from the publishers, Messrs. Sidgwick and Jackson at 5s.