• The battle - of Olympia is being fought over
again in pamphlet form. To a brochure entitled mildly " Fascists at Olympia," and dealing with the_ alleged violence of the Fascist stewards, the British Union of Fascists has replied with a rival brochure, with a cover of regulation black and the title " Red Violence and Blue Lies," dealing with the alleged violence of Communist demon- strators on the same occasion. If the two, sides could stick to pamphlet war no one would be much worse off. But organized counter-demonstrations to Fascist meetings at the same time and place are to be condemned without reserve. One is threatened for September 9th, -when the Fascists are to hold, a rally, or whatever they eall it, in Hyde Park, and it is very satisfactory that the -sober elements in the Labour Party have denounced the procession and strikes which Lord Marley and Mr. Pollitt and their friends are instigating. * *