The Way of a Seed A quaint example of that
Fifth Solomonic Wonder, the way of a seed in the earth, has reached me in corroboration of an example, given here many weeks ago, of die beneficial effects of carrying seed in the waistcoat pocket. " Some years ago when I was taking a number of Men . of the Trees round my (Dorset) garden, one of them greatly admired an Aus- tralian `Bottle Brush' (Callestenion Coccineum) in full flower, and asked for seeds, which are known to be peculiarly difficult to raise. However, he took some and put them into his waistcoat pocket, explaining that when on business tours in the South of France he often took seed, of trees and put them in his waistcoat pocket till they cracked, after which .they invariably germinated. Some months afterwards I met him again, and he said he had had a zoo per cent. germination." So there!