We are well inured to enduring hardness, but the - news
that, in the matter of clothing coupons, where the late Government chastised us with whips the present one is substituting scorpions causes alarm and depression. Twenty-four coupons in eight months —three a month—will not keep most men and women properly clothed, having regard to the condition their wardrobes have been reduced to after five years of stringency. I will not enlarge on that ; too many people have a recent brilliant article of Mr. Nicol- son's on the subject still in mind. I will only say that for myself— and there is no reason to suppose my case is not typical—I need urgently shoes, socks, vests, pants, shirts, pyjamas, collars, to say nothing of a new suit. What is to be done about it? I have no idea. Between now and next May I may be able to acquire a pair of shoes, one shirt and about half a vest. But, not carrying coupon-
prices in my head, I am perhaps too optimistic about that.