Information please
Sir: I am writing a biographical and critical study of Arthur Koestler, whose own autobiography ends with his arrival in England in 1940 and who does not intend to write any further works of autoboigraphy or memoirs. Koestler has given me unrestricted access to his papers and is providing me witl all biographical and other information lodged in his memory as well as in his files. In my account of his life and work to date, I have carte blanche. Koestler has also agreed that I may freely seek, without his supervision or veto, the help of any who know or have known him, and who may have papers of one sort or another bearing on any aspect of his life and work. I should be grateful to hear from anyone anywhere who has anything to say or show. All letters will be promptly ackowledged, and any papers enclosed copied and returned with thanks.
lain Hamilton, c/o Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd, 14 Carlisle Street, London Wl.