24 AUGUST 1996, Page 38

High life



Taki Here is a man who led the coup that not only got rid of Allende but also guided his people into unheard of prosperity and peace. He also looks the part, a stern paterfamilias, full of gravitas and a sartorial triumph to boot, in beautifully cut uniforms and jodhpurs. Mark Rich I do not know. After all, some of us still have standards. The synonymous Frank Rich of the Big Bagel Times may or may not be related to him, but it really makes no difference. Both of them are nasty pieces of work.

I guess it all has to do with trendiness. Here was a system that was horrible beyond comprehension, that defied sensi- ble talk and the use of ordinary vocabulary to describe something so immense and so absurd as the deaths of 100 million — but one that trendy, grubby academics and media folk thought of as cute. Like the good captain Renaud, I'm shocked, shocked at Swiss hypocrisy.

And speaking of the grotesque, how did you like the fact that a 'love and support' rally is to be held for O.J. Simpson on 28 August at Washington's all-black Scripture Cathedral? Ten-dollar-a-head donations will go towards his legal costs. The organis- ers, Black Attorneys for Justice, say Simp- son will later take part in a forum on the criminal justice system! It only goes to prove that when cowardice marries hypocrisy it produces black attorneys.

But not to worry. There is also some good news. This morning I had a chat with the Onassis Foundation in Athens. As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, Thierry Rous- sel, the most successful fortune hunter of all time, is trying to change Christina Onas- sis's will in order to manage his 12-year-old daughter's fortune himself. The facts are as follows: since Christina's death in 1987, Athena Onassis's fortune has tripled. It is now worth two or perhaps even three bil-

lion. This has been accomplished by the Onassis Foundation that oversees her investments and business interests. The Onassis Foundation is the most successful and best-run institution in the Olive Republic. Roussel has a long history of business failures, and following these pur- sued and married the unfortunate Christi- na. He was amply paid for his troubles to the tune of 70 million greenbacks — and will collect more than one million per annum until his much awaited — by some of us — demise.

But such is his desire to get closer to the money that although in six years' time the whole kit and caboodle will be Athena's when she reaches 18, he has sued the Onassis Foundation for being ... incompe- tent. That is when Shylockus, the Greek God of Greed, steps in. So outrageous has Roussel been, Shylockus ordered a letter to surface. The document, hand-written and signed by Christina Onassis, states in no uncertain terms that Roussel is not to be trusted where finance is concerned. The letter was written in 1984, a short time after her marriage to the Frenchman. In it she describes Roussel as reminding her of the character of the title role played by Richard Gere in the film American Gigolo. She adds that, because of her lack of trust in Roussel's money management, she would establish a trust which he could not get his hands on.

It is all terrific stuff, and it seems the Onassis Foundation had the letter all along. Being a pessimist by nature, I will not gloat as yet. The case is up in front of Greek judges, but Athens not being Los Angeles, I am hoping for the Frog to be sent packing. All he has to do is wait six years. At my age, six years pass quicker than one can say gigolo!