King William still hesitates to accept the Imperial Crown. A
deputation from the North-German Parliament waited on him on the 18th inst. at Versailles, to urge him to accept the symbol of unity, but the work is still not complete. The deputation, consist- ing only of representatives, was allowed to rumble up to the palace in all manner of ramshackle vehicles, was received by the King, and was told that only in the unanimous voice of the German Princes and Free Towns and Representatives could the King recognize a call from Providence,—' Vox populi et Principurn vox Dei',—quite a new version. This unanimous voice has not yet been heard, for though the Princes are unanimous and the Free Towns, the Catholics of Bavaria hold out. Unanimity is, however, ultimately certain, unless Trochu or Chanzy should win, when the leading of Providence might possibly be towards a German Republic.