(To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR "] SIR,—Another point as to
decaying and disappearing indus- tries ! It recently became necessary to get the very finest' half-tone reproduction of a photograph taken by a leading photographic artist in America. On writing to ask whether he could procure this for me, I have just received the following reply :—" I do not think I could give you a half-tone block such as you can get in England, and I advise you to try ‘— and Co.' or '— and Co.' I feel sure either firm will give you satisfaction "; and therewith he encloses five samples of the work of both these English firms taken from an English catalogue ! Any one who has watched the develop- ment of the finer and more delicate photogravure work of American magazines of late years might well be excused for thinking America was getting ahead in this branch of art. But somehow people look to England still for the best work.
—I am, Sir, &c., Z.