[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—In the issue of
the Spectator of December 17th an allusion is made to the great dog of Ennerdale, in which it is stated that that animal was for several seasons destroying sheep. In Mr. Bradley's book, "Highways and Byways in the Lake District," on p. 142, a short account is given of its depredations, which occurred in 1810, appearing from May till September. The account of the hunt by a pack of hounds differs materially from your account. There it states that the hounds feared to tackle him, and on September 12th he was killed by a man named Steel by shooting, for which he received a reward of ten pounds. "The carcass weighed 8 stones and the hide was stuffed and set up in a Museum at Keswick with a collar round the neck inscribing the sanguinary achievements of ` t' girt dog of Ennerdale.'" These are the concluding words in the account in Bradley's book.—I am, Sir, &c., S. E. RIGG. 22 Swan, Hill, Shrewsbury.