The Isle that is Called Patmos. By William Edgar Geil.
(Marshall Brothers. 6s.)—Mr. Geil is, as many of our readers are aware, a man who thinks what he likes and says what he thinks. He has a good deal to tell us about modern conditions of life on the island, and he illustrates it with some excellent drawings ("A Deacon," " A Woman Knitting Stockings," " A Shepherd," may be mentioned as examples). Ile is especially interesting on ecclesiastical affairs. Ho describes the library, and he has his ideas on the theological associations of the place. Altogether, he has given us a very readable and, it may be safely added, an instructive volume. Patmos is probably a favourable example of Eastern Christianity, but it shows, especially as regards monasticism, clear signs of decadence. One little cor- rection we would suggest. Mr. Geil doubts whether the long race (30.9(4 Spopos) could be run on such an island as Patmos• It was run by turning round on the usual course of about two hundred yards. The usual races were about two hundred, four hundred, and twelve hundred and fifty yards.