The Queen's Progress, and other Elizabethan Sketches. By Felix E.
Schelling. (T. Werner Laurie. 10s. net.)—Mr. Schelling has put together some interesting studies and sketches from the later Tudor period. Some of the matter will be familiar to most readers; some of it will be comparatively new. Thomas Stucley, for instance, is a name which has passed into something like oblivion. It does not occur in "Chalmers," and Lingard does not mention it, though it made some noise in its time. He was one of King Philip's hired bravoes, and very dear, it would seem, at his price. "Plays in the Making " shows something of what went on behind the scenes of the Elizabethan stage. It intro- duces us to Philip Henslowe, manager, father-in-law to Alleyne, the founder of Dulwich College, which, indeed, probably inherited some of Henslowe's not very honourably acquired wealth. But nothing in the volume is better than the story of how Ben Jenson went to see Drummond of Haw thornden. There are some interesting portraits and other illustrations.