Burke's Peerage, Bar onetage, and Knightage. Edited by Ashworth P.
Burke. (Harrison and Sons. 42s.)—The preface to this, the sixty- seventh edition, is of more than usual interest. The editor points out that for the year just past no creation of a peerage has to be recorded. This has not happened for a quarter of a century. It may be doubted, however, whether such a policy, supposing it to be other than accidental, would "increase the prestige of the House of Lords." The House is distinctly strengthened by additions, and certainly there is no danger of its being over- crowded. Two peerages became extinct, as did the earldom of Ravensworth, the barony surviving. Of Baronetcies, seven have become extinct, while twelve have been created. The editor pays a tribute of gratitude for help received to the memory of the late Garter King of Arms, Sir Albert Woods.— The Post Office London Directory (Kelly's Directories) appears for the hundred and sixth time. It is bound up with the County Suburbs Directories (though it can, of course, be obtained separately), the prices (to non-subscribers) being 32s. for " London " only, and for "London and Suburbs," in one volume, 40s., and in two volumes, 43s. 6d. The one-volume form, with its four thousand six hundred pages (without advertisements), is certainly a little cumbrous; but as one does not carry it about as a guide, this, after all, matters but little. Excellent maps are, as usual, supplied. It is needless to praise a book which stands so high in public esteem. The proprietors are honourably distin- guished by their constant desire to adopt any improvements that may seem desirable.—The " Daily Mail" Year-Book, Edited by Percy L. Parker (Amalgamated Press, Is. 6d.), with its " 20,000 Facts of the Day," is bound to be useful. There are "Celebrities of the Day," statistics of all kinds, some figures and arguments about Fiscal matters, events of the war, and so on, including information in regard to the Cheap Cottages Exhibition proposals- -Willing's Press Guide (James Willing, 1s.) gives its informa- tion about newspapers and periodicals generally both in an alphabetical and in a classified form.—The Golfer's Diary (J. Walker and Co., 2s.), with rules of the game, &c., is a very neat and handy little volume.