THE elections were completed on Tuesday, with the result that the Government majority is practically the same as when Parliament assembled for the autumn Session. The Liberals have 272 Members, the Unionists also 272; the Labour Party has 42, the Nationalists 75, and the Independent Nationalists 9. This means that the supporters of the Govern- ment, or at any rate of the Veto Bill, number 398. Deducting the Unionists, we thus get a Ministerial majority of 126, which, according to the Times estimate, is four more than the Ministerial majority in the last Parliament. Other news- papers do the sum somewhat differently; but if we were forced to decide, we should be inclined to say that the net Ministerial gain had been one, not two, as the Times would have it. The matter is, however, not worth much discussion. Substantially it is a case of "as you were."