Amgot in Italy
Sicily and Southern. Italy are providing tests of the efficacy of Amgot in providing for the needs of the population in territory liberated by the Allies. Their success or failure here will affect their prestige in all the countries of Europe which are either awaiting liberation or wondering whether they should range themselves on our side. The reports show that the difficulties are very far from having been overcome in Southern Italy. The poorer classes of the population in the Naples area appear to be subsisting on a starvation diet. Amgot is bringing in flour and is distributing a bread ration ; but apart from this the grain, of which there is a considerable quantity in the country, is not reaching the open market, and is sold at high prices on the black market. The hoard- ing of food for sale at exorbitant prices is actually encouraged by
the fact that the Allied troops themselves consume large quantities bought at high prices in restaurants or for their regimental messes.
Amgot is working out plans for more effective control, including measures to prevent the transference of food from district to district except to authorised dealers. It seems to be essential that larger quantities of flour should be imported and shipping made available for the purpose. Amgot is gaining experience on a small scale for what it will soon be called on to do on a vast scale. If it is taxing all its resources at present to avert actual starvation in Italy, what will happen when it has to face the needs of many scores of millions in other parts of Europe? But here, after a certain stage, it will be replaced by U.N.R.R.A.