24 DECEMBER 1954, Page 21




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Two prizes W. awarded each week - a eapy 01 the D•

Luxe edition of Chamberiis Twentieth Co* fury Dlctionas7 and a book

token f ger one guinea. These will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct sorunoni opened alter noon on Tuesday week, January 4, and addressed: Crossword 814, 99 Gower St.. London, IV Solution must be on the form here printed.The solution and the names of the winners will be published in the iolio%ing issue.

ACROSS. 1 Johnny Eames prevented Lord De Guest from being this (6). 4 Raised after the Battle of Mizpch (8). 10 Three Sappers, with mc, take to the boats (7). 11 After morning, the bird stays In bed; pardon ! (7), 12 Statute of Liberty ? (5, 5). 13 Musical rendez- vous at Edmonton (4). 15 Paradoxical reason for many a strike (7). 17 Where, botanically, to find Ariel (7). 19 Expenses include 10d. (7). 21 The sun has points as it gives comfort (7). 23 Incline to hypocrisy (4). 24 A green isle (snag.) (10). 27 ' Place me on Sunium's

steep,' said Byron (7). 28 Provided in an historic crossing (3-4). 29 Includes cornea, iris and retina (3, 2, 3). 30 To be born a member of the brotherhood (6).

DOWN: 1 Little Tommy thought it was a tally (5-4). 2 Tipsy demand, not for a double ! (7). 3 The root of healing (10). 5 ' Such

as the Gentiles use ' (Kipling) (9). 6 Men for Morris ? (4). 7 Ezra's to give me a plant (7). 8 ' But a right-down regular Queen ' (Gilbert) (5). 9 The girl in the dale (4). 14 To visit a wit in the ship produces scamps (10). 16 ' Children, dear, was

it ? ' (Arnold) (9)t 18 I6's PM (9). 20 Rid Lent of this climber (7) 22 Stylish one in Scotland, but full of tricks (7). 23 Polygonia gets the point (5). 25, The language of the seer 7 (4). 26 ' Time's wheel runs back of stops; potter and --- endure (Browning) (4).

The solution will be published on January 7

The winners of Spectator Crossword No. 812 are as follows: First prize to MRS. Warm, Bannon Avenue. Edinburgh. 4 and second prize to MR. .1 w:s. McKuivang, 71 Mains Terrace, Dundee.