Whose Birthday ?
I quote from the notebook of a Martian anthropologist who, an interplanetary contretemps having obliterated all traces of the human race except the Christmas cards in our drawing-room, is trying to evaluate this evidence:— ' Christmas (or Xmas). Prob. a god or spirit associated with happiness: possibly also with the sea (cf. refs, to t Christmas-tide). Not regarded as conducive to prosperity (New Year was so regarded). Certain recurrent themes— turkeys, geese, reindeer, etc.—suggest tutelary interest in animal husbandry (v. primitive form of)! But what make of photographs of children, indicating Xmas connected with fertility ? On other hand soldierS, battle-scenes, warships, aircraft seem emphasise war-like propensities. Much evidence points to tree-worship, also veneration of crude images made of snow. Some of more elaborate pictures seem have no connection with Xmas or with each other; this possibly Jut to differing beliefs held by various sects of Xmasites Following minor clues worth following up: holly, dogs an horsemen pursuing fox, old man with white beard alv,,ayS, cheerful in adversity (e.g., when exposed on snow-covered roof, stuck in chimney or being taunted by children re. his heavy burden). Two or three pictures show infant lying in straw surrounded by sad-looking adults: cow and donkey 111 background suggest this connected with animal husbandry theme (see above). Seems doubtful whether possible base anY firm deductions re H. sapiens on this evidence unless materially supplemented other sources.'