24 DECEMBER 1977, Page 17

A federal kingdom

Sir: George Gale is to be commended for perceiving ('How to save the Union', 3 December) that the logical way out of the devolution conundrum is a federal UK involving regional governments in England, with the simultaneous abolition of the county councils, The Campaign for the North is an allparty group set up earlier this year to propagate exactly that view, particularly in the North of England which suffers especially under the present over-centralised system of government. One alarming discovery in the seven months of our existence is that whilst these questions are the subject of great debate within the Labour and Liberal parties, few Conservatives have begun to think about them. It is to be hoped that Mr Gale's excellent article will help to provoke a more constructive idiscussion inside the Conservative Party.

Paul Temperton, Director, Campaign for the North, Birchcliffe Centre, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire