The English Funds have undergone some slight variations, but the closing prices this evening nearly resemble those of last week. The circumstances
which have had most weight with the public have been the indications of an approaching engagement before Sebastopol, and the reported intention of the Emperor of the French to proceed to the Crimea. This produced at first some anxiety, until an improvement of nearly 1 per cent in French Stocks conveyed the belief that the intention was abandoned. Yesterday our Funds were disturbed by the disunion in the Cabinet, which caused them to decline; but they afterwards rallied f. Consols for Money have ranged from 901 to 91*; and they close this evening at soi 1 and 91 1 for the Ac- count. The usual Government notice has been given for the renewal of Ex- chequer Bills dated in March : they must be sent in on or before the 28th instant. Money is easy in the Stock Exchange at 3 to 31 per cent on Go- vernment Securities; and out of doors the detention of vessels with gold from Australia and other places, through the prevailing winds, has not caused any inconvenient pressure. The only arrival has been 125,0001. from the West Indies. The exports have been light. The quotations of the fo- reign exchanges continue satisfactory. The frost has caused a suspension of business in the Corn-market.
In Foreign Securities, very little activity has been exhibited : the prin- cipal alterations are in Peruvian and Russian, which are both 1 lower. Spanish and Turkish Scrip are a little higher. Railways have been remarkably steady, and scarcely any variations have occurred during the week ; as the speculators prefer waiting for some de- cided movement in the English Funds, rather than to act during the pre- sent uncertainty. London and North-Western continue at about par ; Great Western, 65 1 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 741 i ; Midland, 681 9. Foreign Shares are from 2s. 6d. to 10s. higher in several instances ; but there has been no disposition shown to enter into extensive operations.
The English Funds are 1 better this morning, owing to an alleged defeat of the Russians by the Turks at Eupatoria. The bullion return by the Bank of England showing an increase of 223,0171. has also strengthened the mar- ket. Consols for Money are 9141 and for Account 914 4. Exchequer Bills 6 9. In Foreign Stocks, Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents are 1 higher, being 70 2. Turkish Bonds are dull at 754 6. In Railways, no alteration has taken place. Chester and Holyhead have been done at 124, and Mid-
Danish 3 per Cents 80 3 Dutch 24 per Cents 61 2 Ditto 4 per Cents
3 Mexican 3 per Cents 201 14 Peruvian 44 per Cents 70 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 49 51 Portuguese 4 per Cents 41 3 Russian 5 per Cents 98 100
Ditto 44 per Cents
87 9 Spanish 3 per Cents 36 4
Ditto Deferred
174 18 Sardinian 5 per Cents 84 8
Swedish 4 per Cent,
84 7
The London and Blackwell Railway Company, at their half-yearly meet- ing on Tuesday, declared a dividend of 4s. 6d per share for the six months, and authorized the Directors to borrow 130,0001. to complete the works. The Midland Company held their half-yearly meeting at Derby on Wed- nesday; Mr. Ellis in the chair. The balance available for dividend was 239,627/, and the appropriation resolved upon was 1/. 17s. 6c1. upon each 1001. consolidated stock, and upon other stocks in proportion. At the half-yearly meeting of the Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhamp- ton Company, held at the London Tavern on Wednesday, Colonel Rushont M.P. presiding, a dividend at the rate of 6 per cent per annum on preference shares was declared. This is an increase of 2 per cent upon the dividend of the previous year. The Directors were authorized to borrow 166,000/. on mortgage. The Bristol and Exeter Company having a sum of 63,3771. 18s. 10d. at their disposal, it was resolved on Thursday to pay a dividend of 24 per cent for the half-year on the consolidated stock. At the half-yearly meeting of the North and South-Western Junction Company, held on Tuesday, it was resolved to pay a dividend at the rate of 4 per cent per annum on the original and the new share capital. The Royston and Mitchell Company have authorized a dividend at the rate of 6 per cent per annum to be paid.
The Hull and Selby Company have declared a dividend of 21. 98. upon the 501. shares, and upon the smaller shares in proportion. The Directors of the Great Northern line have issued their half-yearly re- port. They recommend a dividend on the original stock at the rate of 51 per cent per annum, being 21. 17s. 6d. for the half-year ; on the B stock 31. 58. per cent for the half-year, and on the A stock 21. 10s. per cent for the
half-year. • The Directors of the Hull and Holderness line recommend a dividend at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. The Directors of the North-Eastern Company in their report propose a dividend at the rate of 4 per cent to be paid upon the Berwick stock and shares, 24 per cent per annum on the York stock and shares, and 6 per oent, pet annum on the Leeds first and second preference shares. The accounts of the South Wales Company show a sum of 51,8231. 7s. 4d. applicable to dividend.
According to statements made at recent half-yearly meetings, satisfactory progress is making in the construction of the East India and the Madras lines. Financial arrabgements had been stimulated by the East India Com- pany increasing their rate of guarantee to 6 per cent. Of the East India line 374 miles were open; and the expectation was, that on the first day of the present month the line to the lianegunge Collieries, a distance of 121 miles, wouid be available for traffic. The third-class fares averaged three- eighths of a penny per mile, and at that rate the Natives were travelling in great numbers. As to the Madras line, it was expected that 60 miles would be open in Jane next, and 20 miles more in January.
land at 69.
3 per Cent Consols 91 Ditto for Account per Cent Reduced 91 1
91 3
New 3 per Cents 91 Long Annuities 4 Bank Stock 21 15 Exchequer Bills 6 9 India Stock 220 3 Austrian 5 per Cents 82 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents 100 2 Belgian 44 per Cents 92 4 Chili= 6 per Cents 102 4 Danish 5 per Cents 102 4