Tuesday, February 20.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-May and Co. Hungerford, tanners ; as far as regards I,. Evans-Eykyn and Meredith, Birmingham, iron-founders-Parsons and Nicholas, Downton, Wiltshire, drapers-Colmer and Hills, Hammersmith, drapers-W. and F. White, Abergavenny and Monmouth, outfitters-Ormerods and Jervis, Man- chester, commission-agents ; as far as regards H. M. and T. B. Ormerod-Blakeley and Terry, Mirfield, Yorkshire, cornmillers-M.Knight and Co. Liverpool, timber- merchants-Hasler and Co. Paul's Wharf, lightermen ; as far as regards W. Carter- Ashwell and Appleby, Spalding, printers-Birtwistle and Ashworth, Clayton-le- Moors, Lancashire, powerloom cloth-manufacturers-Long and Co. Sheffield, mer- chants-flues and King, Newcastle-on-Tyne, veterinary-surgeons-Leigh and • Bligh, Leather Lane, drapers-Clements and Cutterell. Lowestoft-Smith and CO. Leeds, masons-Miller and Greenfield, Derby, bookbinders-Illingworth and Ben- son, Newport, Monmouthshire, corn-factors-Benjamin and Durlacher, Hatton Garden, glass-manufacturers-Thomas and Price, Birmingham, morocco-leather- dressers- Wood and Co. Long Eaton, Derbyshire, bakers-Cookes and AV Minnies, Warrington, cotton-manufacturers-Maskery and Co. Warrington, coach-builders- Pointer junior and Short, Cheltenham, brewers-Sayers and Dawson, Narrow Street, Ratcliffe, riggers-Egerton and Co.; as far as regards R. Long-Hall and Co. Poultry, bandanah-warehousemen ; as far as regards It. Parker.
BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.-EDWARD WRIGHT, Holderness, Yorkshire, draper.
Ramsnerrs.-STEPHEN GEEissritam, Connaught Terrace, dealer in hay, to surrender March 1, April 3: solicitors, Baker and Co. Lime Street; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-James /Boum., Caroline Place, City Road, builder, March
1, April 3: solicitor, Wright, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-WiLUAN JouNsom, Beeping, grocer, March 2, April 3 solicitor, Parker, St. Paul's Churchyard; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-JOHN BAILEY SERGEANT, Portsmouth, wine-merchant, March 2, April 5: solicitor, Low, Chancery Lane; official assigneessTolison, Basiughall Street-Vicroa Boma, Lilvpot Lane, merchant, Feb. 27, March 20: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry 'chambers; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury Marniew Joint Gorr, Queen's Crescent, Prince of Wales Road, Kentish Town, toymau, March 2, 27: solicitor, Knightley, Staple Inn ; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury-Itteitarm ASHBY, Melina Place, Lambeth, baker, March 2, 30: solicitor, Moss, Gracechurch Street; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-WILLLim Hamiso:v, Clyde Terrace, Caledonian Road, baker, March 5, 30: Solicitors, Hillearys, Fenchurch Buildings, Fenchurch Street; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-ROBERT JACOB !luxe, Ryde, Isle of Wight, tailor, March 3, April 13 : solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Bread Street ; official assignee, Canaan, Aldermanbury-ANTONI Foams, Regent Street, jeweller, Mitch
2, April 13: solicitor, Jerwood, Ely Place ; official assignee, Cannon, Aldermanbury -CHARLES HENRY BARDEN, Goulston Street, Whitechapel, cheesemonger, March 1, April 13: solicitors, Gule, Lime Street ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-WILLIAM RANDALL Roams T, Folkestone, ironmonger, March 7, April 8: solicitors, Morris and Co. Moorgate StreA Chambers ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Josarn CLEVER and CALEB STANGER, Kent Wharf, Queen's Road Bridge, Haggerstonc, builders, Feb. 27, April 3: solicitors, Morris and Co. Moorgate Street Chambers ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street- DAVID LLOYD WiLisems, Cannon Street Chambers, civil engineer, March 2, April 4: solicitor, Weeks,Hungerford Street; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street -Thomas SALMON, Kettering, ironmonger, March 7, April 4: solicitors, Sole and Co. Aldermanbury; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-RICHARD Batavia, Rushall, lime-burner, March 3, 17: solicitors, Barnett and Marlow, Walsall; James, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham-FRANCIS BRIIIIF,NS, Birming- ham general merchant, March 5, April 2: solicitore, Powell and Son, Birmingham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-Jamits CARTWRIGHT, Birmingham, factor, March 3, 24: solicitor, Francis, Birmingham; official assignee, Christie, Birming. ham-GEoam PORTEOUS ROBY, Leamington Priors, fishmonger, March 5, April 2: solicitors, Nicks, Warwick ; Hodgson, Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-JosEen and EDWARD EDWARDS, Truro, jewellers, March 2, 22 : soli- citors, Stokes, Truro; Stogden, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzell, Exeter -JoHN DANCASTEII, St. Mary Church, Devonshire, plamber, Feb. 26, March 29: solicitors, Carter, Torquay; Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Ilirtzell, Exeter-JOHN ROPER, and WILLIAM MITCHELL, Keighley, worsted-spinners, March 9, 30: solicitors, Wea- therhead and Burr, Bingley and Keighley; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assig- nee, Young, Leeds-SARAH, BENJAMIN, and JAMES RATCLIFFE, Halifax, manufac- turers, March 9, 30: solicitors, Wavell and Co. Halifax ; official assignee, Young, Leeds-Joint WiLLLams jun., Llanllyfni, Carnarvonshire, draper, March 2, 23: so- licitors, Anderson and Collins, Liverpool ; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool- THOMAS BELL, Jarrow, Durham, alkalimanufacturer, March 8, April 17 : solicitors, Griffith and Crigliton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle- upon-Tyne.
DIVIDENDS.-March 13, Sheppard, Salisbury, grocer-March 13, Isaacson, Strand, printer-March 13, Harris, Kingston-upon-Thames, ironmonger-March 15, Wrenn, Penge, Surrey, grazier-March 15, Reinhard, Rochester, coal-merchant- March 15, Buck, Queen's Road, Dalaton, dealer-March 14, Marty; Bishopsgate Street Without, woollen-warehouseman-March 15, Bayley, Canterbury, linen- draper-March 15, Scott, Trinity Square, Tower Hill, ship-chandler-March 15, Gray, Southampton, corn-merchant-March 14, Basin, Wisbeach, draper-March
14, Goldsmith, Queen Street, Cheapside, merchant-March 17, Lewty and Co. NIT- den, Worcestershire, tin-plate-workers-March 20, White, Sunderland, merchant- March 16, Tregenza, Stockton-on-Tees, shoe-dealer-March 22, Studden, Launces- ton, gas-manufacturer - March 22, Davy. Crediton, linen-manufacturer-March 22, Wyllie, St. Leonard, Devonshire, flax-scutcher-March 18, Barlow, Leeds, hatter.
CERTIFICATES.— 7b be granted, fatless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-March 15, Gray, Bishop's Waltham and Southampton, corn-merchant- March 14, Stannard, Trinity Square, Tower Hill, wine-merchant-March 13, Kinch, Margate, chemist-March 13. Peacock, Budge Row, clothier-March 13, Bowler, Cooper's Road, Old Kent Road, hat-manufacturer-March 14, Austin. Colchester, grocer-March 13. Webb, Culls= Street, distiller- March 14, Pledge. Croydon, gro- cer-March 14, Wilson, Manchester, timber-merchant-March .20, Wailes, Dews- bury, scribbling-miller. DECLARATIONS OP Drvnarsms.-Statham, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, tailor; fourth and final div. of 11d. Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee. Aldermanbury-Sainthill, Tooley Street, stone-merchant; second and final div. of Is. na. Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, Alderman- bury-Pearce, Southborough. grocer ; second and final div. of nd. Wednesday neat, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee. Aldermanbury-Starkey, Horseferry Road, builder ; second and final div. of 91d. Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, Aldermanbury-Roper. Church Street, Hackney, chemist ; first div. of Is. W.:Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays; Edwards, Sam- brook Court-Cripps, Shrewsbury, wine-merchant ; first div. of Is. 4d. on Wednes- day next, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Clapham, Farringdon Street, victualler ; first div. of lls. 3d. Wednesday next, and three sub- sequent Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-West, London Terrace, Hackney Road, linen-draper; firstdiv. of 3.t. 6d. Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wed- nesdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Boulton and Swindells, Greenfield Works, Holywell, spelter-manufacturers; first div. of la. 6d. Wednesday, Feb. 28, or any sub- sequent Wednesday ; Turner, Liverpool-Fynney, Liverpool. corn-merchant ; first div. of 3s. 9d. any Wednesday ; Turner, Liverpool-W. and H. Rynnersley, Tatcn- hill, Staffordshire, millers ; final div. of 7id. and a final div. of 6d. on the separate estate of W. Kynnersley, any Friday; Whitmore, Birmingham-Robinson, He sham, currier ; first div. on new proofs, of 2s. any Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Scorch 8144417BSTRATIONS.-Wilson, Govan, near Glasgow, dyer, March 2-Christie, Glasgow, watch-material dealer, Feb. 28-Porter, Glasgow, brick-builder, March 5 -Hood, Airdrie, upholsterer, March 7-Brinkley sen. Garroch, Glasgow, flint-mil- ter, March 2.
Friday, February 23.
Pairmninerries DISSOLVED.-Rnssell and Truslow, Half Moon Crescent, Isling- steam-sawyers-Gates and ,Chambers, Lawrence Lane, commission-agents-Earn- shaw and Co. Folly Hall, Huddersfield, machine-makers; as far as regards W. Hop- kinson-Jordan and Co. Bristol, soda-manufacturers-Pearce and Co. Tavistock, iron-founders ; as far as regards W. Escott-Quarmby and Sykes. Huddersfield, woollen.cloth-manufacturers-Meadows and Bibby, Manchester, Ilime-merchants- Heap and Clayton. Halifax, silk-dressers-T. and J. H. Lloyd, Deptford, linen- drapers-J. and W. Alexander. Brothers, Norfolk Place, Lower Road, Islington, linen-drapers-Braunstein and Co. Monument Chambers. tea-dealers-Haley and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire. wool-combers -Matthews and Warren, Stevenage, Hert- fordshire, brick-makers-May and Parker, Moorgate Street, hosiers-Craven and Co. Leeds, machine-makers; as far as regards G. Taylor-Wood and Fenney, dealers in stone-Maude and Lloyd, Liverpool, zinc-rollers-Batley and Sons, alillbridge, Leeds, coverlet-manufaoturers-Slagg and Co. Manchester, commission-agents : as far as regards J. Gould-Heaton and Co. Brighton, millers -Styring and Crabtree, Sheffield, paper-hangers-M. and W. Butler, 'Bristol, pawnbrokers-J. H. Ashworth and Co. and R. Ashworth and Co. Hall Car Mill and Irwell Mill, Rawtenstall, Lan- cashire, merchants.
Basixaorrs.-James SPELLER. Wapping High Street, sail-maker, to surrender March 13, April 4: solicitor, Atkinson, Abchurch Lane; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-GEoRox CUMMING STEWART, Hackney Road, draper, March 2, April 3 : solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Gra- mm, Coleman Street-Thomas Seisms, Kettering, Northamptonshire, ironmonger, March 7, April 4: solicitors, Sole and Co. Aldermanbury; Hodgnon, Birmingham ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-James HOWELL, Judd Street, builder. March 6,. April 12: solicitors, Watson and Co. Bouverie Street; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-WILLIAM BOWLER, Upper Ground Street, Lambeth, timber-merchant, March 3, April 4 : solicitors, Rixon and Son, King William Street, City; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-GP:mos COOPER ROUSE (com- monly called George Cooper), Dovercourt, Essex, grocer. Feb. 23, April 4: so- licitors, Cree and Son, Gray's Inn; Laurance, Ipswich ; official assignee, Pen- nell, Basinghall Street-Simms OATES, Cambridge, builder, March 3, April 13: So- licitor, Paxon, New Boswell Court; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall street- Jamas TWINER, Hedge Row, High Street, Islington, draper, March 5, 30: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Scurry Chambers ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-JANE MART BENTLEY, Dudley, grocer, March 12,28: solicitor, Boddington, Dudley.; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-James KING, Birmingham, vic- tualler, March 9, 31 : solicitors, Harding and Hawkes, Birmingham ; official assig- nee, Bioleston, Birmingham -HATDON SOUNDS, Bourn, Lincolnshire, coach-builder, March 6, April 3: solicitors, Brown, Market Deeping; James, Birmingham; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham-Swot Hexer CHEETHAM, Nottingham, lace-manu- facturer, March 6, April 8:. solicitor, Coope, Nottingham ; official assignee, Hants, Nottingham-Lutz Calm; Cardiff, beershop- keeper, March 6, April 3: solicitors, Bevan and Girling, Bristol; official assignee. Miller. Bristol-DANIEL HEARN, Chel- tenham, linen-draper, March 8, April 3: solicitors, Pruen, Cheltenham ; Abbott and Luis's, Bristol; official assignee, Amami', Bristol-GEORGE RICHARD BLACK- WELL, Cheltenham, marble-mason, March 8, April 3: solicitors, Pruen, Chel- tenham; Abbott and Lucas, Bristol ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol-Wu:- meet RANDLE, Cheltenham, miller, March 8, April 16: solicitors, Pruen, Cheltenham; Abbott and Lucas, Bristol ; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol- Josh; CLENCH, Exeter, timber-dealer, March 2, 29: solicitor, Force, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-Soma blooms, Halifax, Yorkshire, brewer, March 9, 30 : solicitors, Edwards, Halifax ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds-WILLIAM WESTMORE CownEan KIRKHAM, Manchester, money- scrivener, March 5, 27: solicitor. Boote, Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-RALPH PICESTONE and AMBROSE MAYALL, Ashton-under-Lyne, cotton- spinners, March 6, April 3: solicitors, Rowley and Son, Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. DIVIDENDS.-March 19, Meadows, Warboys, Huntingdonshire, draper-March 17, Laurance, Reading, draper-March 17, Kelly, High Street -Kensington, auctioneer -March 17, Philps, Cannon Street West, hosier-Mar" 16, Dunkley, Daventry. grocer-March 16, Overbury, Wooton-under-Edge, de er-March 16, Magnus jun. Fore Street., Cripplegate, shoe-manufacturer-March 16, Saunders, Seymour Street, Euston Square, gasfitter-March 16, Adams and Ralston, Bow, engineers-March 20, Hitchcock. Ilkeston, Derbyshire, miller-March 19, Cartmell. Liverpool, boot- maker-March 17, Foden, Liverpool, grocer-March 16, Wooler, Stockton-on-Tees, Durham, draper-March 20, Holmes and Marshall, Sunderland, timber-merchants.
Crwrnackrzs.— To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-March 20, Ramsey, Kensington Park Terrace, builder-March 13, Rolfe, Faversham, Kent, tailor-March 19, Cox, St. George's Square, Pimlico, builder-March 16, White. Mark Lane, merchant-March 16, Muskett, Dies, chemist-March 16, Hart, Strand, ironmonger-March IS, Lyde, Church Passage, Basinghall
Street, sewed-muslin-maker-March 16, Gower, Lawrence Lane, warehouseman- March 16, Curtis, Portsea, corn-merchant-March 19, Allaway, Southport, dentist- March 27, Gaukrokor and Co. Halifax, cotton-spinners-March 19, Gibbs, Dudley, grocerMarch 19, Fnlford, Birmingham, maltster-March 19, Jones and Carrier, Wolverhampton, hosiers-March 19, Thomas, Upton-upon-Severn, Worcestershire, draper.
DECLARATIONS OP Divnamns.-Staples jun. Soham, Cambridgeshire, miller; first div. of 2s. sid. any Monday ; Cannan, Aldermanbury-Bernasconi, Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell, looking-glass-frame-manufacturer; first div. of 2s. 10d. any Monday; Cannan, Aldermanhury -Webb, Rayleigh, Essex, grocer; first div. of 3d. any Mon- day; Canon, Aldermanbury-7Sykes, Bath Easton, clothier ; second and final div. of 11-16d. Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, Aldermanbury- Pound, Dalston, victualler; first div. of 81d. Feb. 29, and two subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Goble, Old Shoreham, miller; final div. of Id. Feb. 29, and two subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street. Scores SEGIIESTRATIONS.-J . and R. Campbell, Bowfield, Renfrewshire, bleachers, March 3-Campbell, Glasgow, tailor, March 1-Cross, Glasgow, merchant, March 8.