[To ME EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sis ,—Lady Glenconner in
your last 'mintier writes: " In those approaching weeks of Lent . . . it will be well-nigh beyond human endurance to sit listening to a young curate . . . reciting to empty pews the Athanasian Creed." la she takes the trouble to procure a copy of the Book of Common Prayer she may learn that unless St. Mathias' Day happens to fall in Lent the Athana- sian Creed is not used during that period. One might also suggest that, in those churches where that Creed is still used, the elefgy- man no more " recites " the Creed than he recites the Psalms. If the pews are empty who sits there to hear the Creed recited by the young curate ?—I am, Sir, Ac., H. V.