.Sta,—The enuring of infant life is of paramount importance to the nation. We make no excuse for drawing attention to the numerous -class of children boarded out with foster mothers, or in homes and institutions. This class includes (1) the children of widows who AI re earning their living in service or otherwise, and (2) of girls who are endeavouring to regain their self-respect by honourable work. Although wages• have risen in many forms of employment it is undeniable that the increased cost of food, and consequent higher demand on the part of foster mothers and others, makes it necessary to consider a serious situation. It is needless to add -that wise measures for obtaining support from the mothers, or, in the case of illegitimate infants, by affiliation order from the father of the child, will be taken, but such contributions can often not em obtained, or prove wholly insufficient. The signatories have large experience of the nerd of timely and .suitable aid in these .cases, and venture to appeal to the charitable public for sufficient to form a central fund for supplementary grants. A sum of .Z5,000 will be required, towards which the Charity Organization Society, Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W., have kindly eansented to receive and acknowledge contributions. This Infant Maintenance Fund will be distributed by a strong representative :Central Committee.—We are, Sir, &e., J. C. PRINGLS, Secretary (Charity Organization Society); THOMAS GEO. CREE, lion. Sec. (Church Penitentiary Association); W. CARLILR (Church Army); G. P. Motracx (Children's Aid Society); E. DR M. Reimer (Chureh of England Waifs and Strays); Wm. Houses SMITH (National Children's Home and Orphanage); ARTHUR REGINALD Moto, Vice-President (Jewish Association for the Pro- tection of Women and Girls); E. CalloN BANS (Homes for Destitute Catholic Children).
Victoria House, 117 Victoria Street, S.W.