24 FEBRUARY 1917, Page 16


(To THE EDITOR OF 7HE " SPECTATCR."] Sin,—Perhaps you may like to hear the following, which seems to me to be a curious instance of intelligence in a dog. We had hanging up in a passage in the house a bookcase which in course of time became unduly piled up with books. I was standing close to it the other day, and saw my Scotch terrier staring up at it and whining. I did not take much notice of him, but thought it curious as there seemed to be no apparent cause for his doing so. Within less than a minute the bookshelf and books came down with a run, narrowly escaping his head. I suppose he must have beard a creaking noise or something of that kind, but I think it is evident that he intended me to know that there was something wrong there which he could not understand.-1 am, Sir, &c.,

B. B.