24 FEBRUARY 1933, Page 14


Everyone who loves the England that was should do his best to urge his local council to put into force the Town and Country Planning Act that comes into force on April. 1st. It may do great service if properly administered ; and may prove " a definite measure of economy" as well as a means of preserving beauty. Its passing is a monument to the work of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England, whose pamphlets on this and kindred subjects (from 17 Great Marlborough Street, London, W. 1) are invaluable. The work of planning country areas has been and will be extremely inter- esting. The date for objections to the published plans is approaching in many districts ; and the general experience is that land-owners who live in lovely places gladly accept the schedule, though it may mean, or because it will mean, a loss of prospective value. It is better to be scheduled as an open space than to be threatened with the temptation of the jerry. builder.

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