Country Life
From time to time it has been charged against Women's Institutes that they have not concentrated enough on the garden, that the home has not included the homestead. A really astonishing change or advance in their policy has to be recorded. The plan of setting up co-operative market stalls in local markets (and in some few places by roadside stalls) is proving successful beyond the most ambitious expectations. There are market stalls where an average of £16 a week is taken and County returns amount to several thousand pounds a year. These stalls are in the best sense co-operative, and are useful in giving the smallest producer as well as the biggest the chance of selling his or her stuff. The women organizers have been very broad-minded in the details of their organization, especially in a readiness to throw open the stall to any humble grower of produce, whoever he or she may be. The movement, which is young, grows at a great pace.