24 FEBRUARY 1933, Page 16


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sut,—Will you allow me to draw the attention of your readers to a case of need in which they cannot fail to. be interested ? A young English Quaker of firstclass education, Mr. H. L. Hutchinson, went out to India Some years ago to. work as a journalist. When the Bombay cotton strike occurred his sympathies - were on the side of the strikers and he was courageous enough' to start, in connexion with the trade union, a small journal representing their ease. For this he was arrested and subsequently included, though he had never been indicted, among the prisoners in the Meerut trial,

For four years before trial he was kept in prison, and now he has been condemned to a further four years. Against this sentence he naturally wishes to appeal. The cost of doing so is about 21,000, and unless that sum can be raised within the next few days the life of this able, courageous and high- principled young Englishman will be wrecked or even sacri- ficed.