CROSSWORD 947: Dressing-case by Mass
A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word 'Dictionary') for the first three correct solutions opened on 12 March. Entries to: Crossword 947, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.
The diagram represents a 'dressing-case' containing four variously appropriate pairs of unclued items.
Name Address Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service. ACROSS
1 E.g. a rose blew — possible source of graft (11, hyphened)
11 Injure animal in grass (6) 13 A foreign dairy product round East, free from preservatives (7) 16 Trees forming boundary (5) 17 Started drill in metal (6) 18 Arabic prince's tapestry (5) 20 Nonjuror, wise man, in old city ) 21 Oxide produced by Erica (5) 22 Who'll vote for English reader?
27 bawls in fashion, and jades (7) 29 Cur's flowing or coagulated blood (5) 30 After work I consumed sedative (6) 32 Musket and French helmet? (5) 34 Some regal anthems, in elegant 18th-century mode (6) 36 Neat con? (5) 37 Swell lake dwelling (5) 38 Revolting racket, without order ) 39 Officer (Gaelic, they say) in force (6) DOWN 1 Pope's last edict shattered niece's enthusiasm (10) 4 A horrid grape bothered X-ray technician (12) 5 A debtor ultimately raises what's owing (7) 6 Male circling funeral pile under Eastern skies (8) 7 Old coins, plate, in wreck (5) 8 Huntsman's zest (4) 9 Girl has a Latin temper (6) 10 Knick-knack, universal memory aid (5) 12 Plant from US I embedded in great deal of earth (6) 19 Dentures, a set, he left out (10, two words) 21 Peasant girl has hold on a round penny (9) 23 !Circle of stones, 100, left in city by Church (8) 24 Food for former fop (8) 26 Aussie corker — one who stores wine (7)
28 Energy in little fellow, and full set of chromosomes (6) 31 Strain upset English girl (5) 33 Preying bird (5) 35 Slice cold joint (4)