LETTERS Maxwell's foot soldier
Sir: Paul Foot's chutzpah (Books, 17 Febru- ary) is extraordinary. For the six years he worked at the Daily Mirror he 'marvelled daily' at the way his colleagues threw them- selves at Robert Maxwell's feet. Maxwell only got away with it, he confides in us, because 'he had studied the capitalist sys- tem well enough to understand its suscepti- bility to the activities at which he excelled:bribing and bullying'.
During those years in which he happily drew the tarnished Maxwell shilling, fearlessly exposing every social ill apart from that closest to his desk, would Mr Foot care to share with us the method the `obese tyrant' (Bower's phrase, not his) used to ensure his loyalty? Let me put it another way: a journalist of Mr Foot's cali- bre would never, I'm convinced, succumb to bullying.
Guy Carter
63 Rectory Road, Walthamstow, London E17