24 JANUARY 1846, Page 7

ibt Court.

THE Queen and Prince Albert left Windsor Castle on Wednesday, fbr Buckingham Palace, in order to the opening of Parliament on Thursday. They reached town by the Great Western Railway; and were accompanied by the children.

In the afternoon the Queen held a Privy Council, at which the Speech to be delivered by her Majesty at the opening of Parliament was agreed to.

The Queen, accompanied by Prince Albert, left Buckingham Palace at twenty minutes before two o'clock on Thursday afternoon, to open Parlia- ment, with the usual state. Two of the royal carriages, containing officers j of the Household, preceded the state carriage; the escort was composed of the Horse Guards. Her Majesty and the Prince returned to the Palace at three o'clock.

An investiture of the Order of the Garter took place at Windsor Castle on Monday; when the Marquises of Camden and Hertford were made Knights of the Ordee. The Queen afterwards gave audience to the Duke of Richmond; who presented several addresses from Agricultural Protect- tion Societies in Sussex. In the evening there was a banquet.

The Queen and Prince Albert visited St. James's Theatre yesterday evening. Un Secret was played by Royal request.

The Dntchess of Gloucester received visits yesterday from Prince Albeit and the Duke of Cambridge.