t h C ou r t.
THE Queen gave an audience to Count Walewski, the French Ambas- sador, on Saturday, afternoon.
Visitors at the Castle have again been numerous. The Duchess of Kent resumed her appearances in the Royal circle on Wednesday, reco- vered from a slight attack of rheumatic pain from which she has for some time past been suffering. The Duke and Duchess de Nemours remained at the Castle till Tuesday evening, when they departed for Claremont. Among the other distinguished visitors, have been Lord John and Lady John Russell, the Duke of Wellington, Sir Francis Baring and Lady Arabella Baring, Lord and Lady Seymour, Sir James and Lady Gra- ham, Baron and Baroness Brunnow, and the Earl and Countess Grey.
There was a dramatic performance in the Rubewr Room at the Castle last night. The piece was Mr. Leigh Hunt's play of the Legend of _Flo- rence.
Prince Albert has been hunting and shooting two or three times.