On Tuesday a meeting was held at Liverpool to promote
Uni- versity Education in the provinces, Lord Derby, with his accustomed caution, declining to preside, till he had had proofs of the success of the movement to be inaugurated. The meet- ing had two objects,—to obtain help for Girton College—the women's college at Cambridge—for which it subscribed £1,000 ; and to hear a proposal from Cambridge University for establishing a Cambridge lectureship in LiverpooL This, as we understand however, is not to be in any degree at the expense of Cambridge, but of Liverpool,—though we had understood that the Cambridge movement contemplated the telling-off of sinecure fellowships for the object of remunerating these apostles of science in the provinces. That, however, we suppose, will come later. Liverpool, under Mr. Rathbone's wise guidance, met the proposal with its usual generosity, and Lord Derby may quite safely accept the part of President of the movement, without fearing that he will connect himself with an abortive scheme.