24 JANUARY 1931, Page 14

A Hundred Years Ago

Belgium is again in a state of angry excitement. It was stated last week, that the name of the intended Sovereign would be communicated in a day or two at the farthest but it does not appear that the Belgic Congress has yet determined who the Sovereign is to be. The Prince of ORANGE, under the advice of his friends, has published an address to the revolted subjects of his father.


The Poles have saved the French from the machinations of Russia, and therefore it is argued, the French ought to save the Poles from the vengeance of the despot. Sounder reasoning than this must be introduced into politics, or we shall soon see all Europe in a flame. The spectacle of Europe at this moment is remarkable : the times are pregnant with doubt and uncertainty. The truth is, we are all in a transition state—proverbially a condition of suffering : we are passing from the Divine Right of Kings to the Divine Right of the People.


In consequence of the resignation of Sir Walter Scott and Sir Robert Dundas, there are now two vacancies in the office of Principal Clerk of Session.


Mr. O'Connell is to hold the future agitation meetings at Liverpool. The members are to come over by steam. Monday is fixed for the next meeting. It will end in smoke.


On Sunday, seven converted Jews were baptized at Somers Town Chapel. A letter was read on the occasion—said to be from the English Consul, which stated that four hundred Catholie priests had lately abjured Popery, and been publicly admitted into the Protestant Church at Paris.


The Minister of Worship has recently sent a circular to the Ecclesiastical Authorities, calling on them to administer baptism to infants in warm water instead of cold, during the winter season at least.—French Paper.


A young fellow was charged at Marlborough Street Police-office, some days ago, with stealing several plaster casts from the work- shop of Mr. Papera, the Italian modeller. Among the casts stolen, were the legs of Madame Vestris, a little above the knee, and including the foot. It seems Madame's legs were not kept on ordinary sale, like common shop legs, they were only cast to order, for amateurs and others. Mr. Papers complained of the indignity offered to Madame, by exposing her legs indecently in a tho - window. The legs, Mr. Papers explained, not only sold deaLr than other legs, but more readily, for most of the gentlemen w bought them took both. The prisoner had been already cora- mitted, on a former charge : and the Magistrate advised the artist to add the legs to the indictment. Mr. Papers. was told he must produce them in court, and identify them : which he said he could easily do.


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